Curfew Italy, Galli: “I’m sick of this speech”

“I’m sick of curfew talk.” Massimo Galli, Director of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco Hospital in Milan, says this in connection with the program ‘Agorà’ on Rai3. “I only say one thing, during the day there are four conditions that imply movement and mixing of the whole population: going to work or school, staying at work or school with the contacts you have, going home, going out in the evening and having relationships and seeing people, “explains Galli. “In all these situations you have contact and mix with different people, with different levels of precautions and according to individual behaviors. It is clear that if you have to keep the first three things, which are what keep the country moving. , you end up having to sacrifice or downsize one, which involves a completely different reshuffling of the population from the other three “, remarks the infectious disease specialist. “If you understand this – he continues -, you understand why we talk about evening limitations, in other words disincentive to move in the evening, otherwise we will go on to argue endlessly. Frankly, I am neither enthusiastic nor motivated to do so, it shouldn’t be difficult to understand but if you want to continually make a political controversy …. “. The regions are pushing for the 10pm curfew to be revised, bringing it to at least 11pm. “I realize that there are the needs of those who have their main economic activity in the evening and are unable to survive – Galli acknowledges – but it is another question in a strictly epidemiological key: these are the four realities “.