Bonetti: ” 20 billion for a single universal allowance for children ”

“The single universal allowance for children starts in January 2022, a measure of 20 billion euros a year. The government has decided to structurally finance the strategic plan for gender equality, introducing a fund with the first 52 million euros to support company policies for female employment ”. This was stated by Elena Bonetti, Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, in an interview by Mariù Adamo on “MattinaLive”, the morning show broadcast on Channel 8. “The maneuver provided for the reduction of VAT on sanitary napkins from 22 to 10% and the deduction for women returning after maternity leave. Parenting is an investment of social value in a country experiencing a demographic decline: to increase the trend of the birth rate – added Minister Bonetti – it is necessary to support female work and greater sharing of care burdens. The Family Act goes in this direction, reforming all parental leave which should also be extended to categories of workers and non-dependent workers, because support for parenthood must be universal and cover all categories. “” Family and job promotion policies of women and young people – he concluded – are strategic and the maneuver is part of an extraordinary investment ”.

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