Italian university without honors: when brains flee abroad

The situation of the Italian university through the numbers From the total number of students enrolled in internal mobility, from the brain drain to the employment rate of graduates: Adnkronos and Expleo took a photograph of the Italian university, analyzing data from Miur, Istat and Eurostat If it’s true that our country is home to some of the oldest universities in the world, the university in Italy today is far from obtaining honors. And in fact, we are in the penultimate place in Europe for the employment rate of recent graduates, and only in fifth place for the number of university students, just to mention two negative statistics. It is not for nothing that we have been witnessing the brain drain for years, that is the emigration of talented and highly specialized people who, after being trained in Italy, move abroad, where they have more professional opportunities, becoming a resource for that country. So, let’s try to outline the situation of the Italian university through numbers. The following scenario has been traced thanks to the analysis carried out by Adnkronos in collaboration with Expleo on data and statistics provided by Miur, in particular by the Ustat University and Research portal dedicated to the publication and analysis of data concerning the world of the University. Other statistical sources of this research were Istat, Eurostat, Censis, Almalaurea, OECD.

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