Medicane, Sicily in the viewfinder: bad weather throughout Italy for Halloween

There is no peace for Italy. In these hours a category 1 hurricane (a medicane) is impacting Sicily causing torrential rains. During the weekend, a strong disturbance will hit virtually all regions. Antonio Sanò, director and founder of the site warns that Friday will be a full emergency for Sicily where very abundant rainfall is expected which could cause flash floods especially in the provinces of Ragusa, Syracuse, Catania, Enna and Messina . Other intense rains will wet Calabria, especially in the south. On the rest of Italy, the weather will be sunnier thanks to the presence of high pressure which, however, is ready to pack. Over the course of Saturday, while the Medicane will leave Italy with the latest rains on Sicily and Calabria (still strong in the morning), an Atlantic disturbance will face the Northwest with the first rainfall. On Sunday, the perturbed front will progressively advance towards all regions with more consistent rainfall on all western sectors, from Piedmont to Sicily. But that’s not all. On Monday 1 November, All Saints’ Day, a second disturbed impulse, decidedly stronger than the first, will hit practically all of Italy with heavy rains in the North, in Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria, Campania, Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria, gradually more attenuated on the central-southern Adriatic slopes. With the arrival of the perturbation, the winds will turn from the southern quadrants blowing both Scirocco and Libeccio. Temperatures will tend to drop during the day and rise at night. IN DETAIL Friday 29. In the north: prevailing good weather. Middle: last unstable notes on northeastern Sardinia, sunny elsewhere. In the south: torrential rains on central-eastern Sicily and Ionian Calabria, few clouds elsewhere. Saturday 30. In the north: worsens in the Northwest with rains. Center: irregularly cloudy sky, sometimes overcast in the Adriatic. In the south: rains on Ionian Sicily and Calabria, running out from the afternoon. Sunday 31. In the north: widespread rains on Piedmont and central-western Liguria, many clouds elsewhere. In the center: widespread rain on Sardinia, rain on the Tyrrhenian. In the south: it worsens strongly on Sicily. On Monday almost all of Italy under water.

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