Vatican, Marogna cellular seizure: acts to Cassation

The Court of Appeal of Milan raised the negative conflict of jurisdiction over the case relating to the execution incident promoted by Cecilia Marogna, the manager from Cagliari investigated in the Vatican as part of the investigation into the management of the funds of the Secretariat of State, with which the defenders of the woman asked for the cancellation of the order of seizure of the cell phone decided by the prosecutor. The judges of the Fifth Criminal Section, after the investigating judge of the court considered their incompetence to decide on the execution incident, with an order they raised the conflict with the investigating judge of Milan so that “the Supreme Court of Cassation decides which is the judge competent to hear of the procedure “and ordered the transmission to the Supreme Court of the documents necessary for the resolution of the conflict: the order of incompetence of the investigating judge of Milan of last September 30, the execution incident raised by the defenders of Marogna on September 28 before the investigating magistrate in Milan and the decree of evidential seizure of the Marogna cell phone issued by the deputy prosecutor of Milan on 11 January 2021.

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