Covid vaccine for children 5-11 years, Minelli: “From studies use robust data”

Covid vaccine in the age group 5-11. “If during the summer, considering the hypothesis of extending vaccination prevention protocols to all children, we could have called for caution, waiting for the comfort of more reassuring data from a medical-scientific point of view, now in the light of the robust findings resulting from clinical tests – both in terms of documentable antibody response, and in terms of safety with respect to any unwanted reactions – one cannot certainly ignore the decision taken almost completely unanimously by the consultants of the American FDA to authorize the administration of half a dose for adults Pfizer vaccine to children under the age of 12 “. This was stated to Adnkronos Salute by the immunologist Mauro Minelli, head of the Foundation for Personalized Medicine for Southern Italy. Read also “And it cannot be ignored – he continues – for two reasons: first because we must not forget the hundreds of deaths that have occurred in the world among children who had not exceeded 18 years of age; and second because we cannot ignore the objective significant increase in cases of Covid in pediatric age which, over the last few weeks, have outnumbered those recorded in the elderly population now almost completely vaccinated “, continues Minelli.” There would also be a further appendix , certainly not insignificant, represented by the fact, more than known, that children can always represent towards other vehicles of infection. And then – he concludes – as always, letting ourselves be guided by information that derives from factual realities and not from previous judgments which, as such, cannot constitute absolute prejudice in a scientific context that fortunately is evolving, we wait for the EMA to decide to standardize also in our territory the collective protection paths to what is already operational overseas “.

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