Awarded the 2021 ‘Donna Marketing’ and ‘Donna Comunicazione’ Awards

The 300 guest managers, entrepreneurs and professionals, representing the Mar-Com Community, who had the privilege of participating in the presence, were even welcomed by the splendid Volandia balloon and were able to admire the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Volkswagen Up by Rent Point, current expressions of electric cars, perfectly in line with the eco-sustainable and socio-compatible event itself. A totally green event, in fact, with zero CO2 emissions, was the one that was held at Arome Lifestyle Location, in via Mecenate, in Milan, for the assignment of the coveted “Donna Marketing” and “Donna Comunicazione” 2021 Awards, conceived and promoted by the Marketing and Communication Club and organized by Party DRound Green and Royal Time. The important awards were assigned to the 8 managers in the pink of the complex and competitive business and agency Marketing and Communication sector, who distinguished themselves during the year for their professionalism, talent, creativity and innovation. awarded, of the Italian rebirth, which also passes through their communication initiatives in support of the implementation of consumption, or trade, and their marketing actions in support of sales and consequently of production: Commerce and Production, in fact, are the pillars of the Italian economy.The women awarded are perfect testimonials of the contemporary high level of female qualification in typically male tasks and of the leading role achieved by women in leadership and decision-making positions in the social and economic life of the Bel Paese. The pandemic has highlighted the strength of women and their ability to face the crisis with determination. It is certain that women have had and will have an absolute leadership role in the future, as the event clearly demonstrates. Women, today more than ever, in the world of economics and work have established themselves by breaking down atavistic prejudices. sociologist, Head of Future Concept Lab, confirmed the need for the evolution of paradigms and unconventional communication techniques of brands and products / services of companies following changes in lifestyles and ways of consumption of “personas”, as correctly defined today what, long ago, were called consumers or buyers, simple statistical data without a “human” connotation. It was also underlined in the interventions of Roberto Ricotti, founder of Plef and Giorgio Santambrogio AD of Vegè Group and Vice President Federdistribuzione, in the vision and mission of companies, the extreme importance of sustainability, as well as the centrality of human beings, of the mutual collaborative relationship thanks to a renewed two-way dialogue that is ever more direct and “live”, of increasingly amazing, experiential, newsworthy, viral and memorable communication approaches. does not mind, which attracts and does not push away, of a communication that amuses and makes a show. Maimone Communication followed the event. All the names of the winners who received the prestigious plaque and the Pralina bag in a single edition of the Piacenza fashion designer Alessandra Arlenghi are highlighted: Cristina Cossa (Dir Mktg Rigoni di Asiago) Woman Marketing Special Award; Sabrina Timpanaro (Dir Mktg Bolton Food Group) Woman Marketing; Tina Radicchio (Mar-Com Consorzio Prosciutto di Parma) Woman Communication Company Special Award; Marilena Manzoni (Dir Mar-Com Unicredit) Woman Communication Company; Marina Martorana (Owner Martorana and partners) Woman Communication Agency Special Award; Laura Morino (Owner of Morino Studio) Woman Communication Agency; Rossella Sobrero (Owner of Koinetica and Pres. Ferpi) Woman Marketing and Communication; Miriam Forte (Owner of the Miriam Forte consulting Group) Donna Sales Promotion Career Award.The Vice President of ClubMC Luca Torno illustrated the new course and re-evolution of the Club itself thanks to the innovative services offered to B2C and B2B companies, the renewed practical and not only theoretical training online and in presence with the ClubMC Academy, the birth of the YOUNG Club in favor of the inclusion of young undergraduates and graduates in companies and particular attention to the causes of Charity and Social Responsibility, under the name Marketing del Cuore “The eighteenth edition of the Awards, which sees us of age this year” declared Danilo Arlenghi, National President of ClubMC and creator of the Awards, “saw the managers of the Food sector excel, rightly in almost all cases, stimulated genius, creativity and foresight in the delicate and very difficult moment of the Covid emergency, expressing all the true excellence of the ‘it champions aliane ‘of Marketing and Communication. Let me define them with these unusual terms “. A special thanks goes to all the companies that have made a contribution as a sponsor or as a partner and to all the media-partner magazines of the XVIII” Donna Marketing “and” Donna Comunicazione “2021 Awards Edition. guests the Mayor of Assago Lara Carano.

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