Respiratory syncytial virus, symptoms

Respiratory syncytial virus, the symptoms not to be underestimated in children are inappetence, apnea, wheezing. The indication comes from the doctors of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Sip) who suggest the “Five things to know about the respiratory syncytial virus”, regarding the infection that, in this period in advance of previous years, is causing in Italy the hospitalization of children with pneumonia and acute bronchiolitis. Read also In particular, with respect to ‘what parents should do’ and ‘when it is necessary to go to hospital’, pediatricians remember that “bronchiolitis is a dynamic disease and therefore it is important that parents are informed about the possible evolution and worsening of the clinical picture and a close monitoring is implemented with the pediatrician. The warning signs that should not be underestimated and that must lead to a hospital evaluation are mainly: the reduction of nutrition which is the first sign that the child is getting worse and is often the main cause of hospitalization; the presence of episodes of apnea (moments of interruption of breathing); the appearance of breathing difficulties: the child breathes faster and is out of breath, there are retractions in the chest and jugule (i.e. the dimple is more marked between the neck and the sternum). To know there is also the fact that “the symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus are similar to those of other viral respiratory infections and are represented by rhinorrhea, dry and irritating cough and fever (in most cases not elevated). Subsequently, the signs of a reduction in nutrition and then respiratory difficulties may appear, usually in the 3rd-5th day of illness “. In addition, the” respiratory syncytial virus or Vrs, is a very common respiratory pathogen, capable of infecting the respiratory system of patients of any age, but mainly affects children in the first years of life. It usually causes colds (upper respiratory tract infection), but especially in infants in the first months of life, VRS infection can travel to the lower airways and lungs causing acute bronchiolitis (an inflammation of the lower airways) or pneumonia. The fourth thing to know is that “VRS spreads easily from person to person. The infection is contracted through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, it releases particles that contain it into the air. the virus. These particles can be inhaled, or they can settle on the mouth, nose or eyes. In particular, the infection is contracted by touching infected nasal or buccal secretions with the hands and then rubbing the eyes or nose. Vrs can survive for many hours on hard surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, toys, and cribs. Eventually the spread. It is the “most common cause of respiratory tract infections. in children under 2 years of age and is the leading cause of hospitalization under one year of age. In Italy, the epidemic period runs between October and March, with a peak in January-February “.