Covid Italia, Figliuolo: “In June, vaccination speed will increase”

The role of General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo was that of “practically setting up the vaccination machine”. This is what the extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency explained, interviewed by the Washington Post as part of an extensive report on how European countries in recent weeks have accelerated the pace of the vaccination campaign in a decisive way. “By June we hope to have such a flow that we will be able to further increase the speed of the machine” added the general speaking to the Post, who recalled how the general chosen by Mario Draghi “helped to create a thousand new vaccination centers, practically double the total in Italy “and has” worked with Lombardy on a new booking site “after the problems reported by the initial site. The Post recalls that in March the general had set the goal of administering 500 thousand doses per day,” something that then it seemed a risky hypothesis, when the country administered about 200 thousand doses “. And instead, the American newspaper concludes, “last week Italy exceeded 500 thousand doses twice and had an average of 442 thousand doses”. EU – As for the EU, a long report by the Washington Post tells how “after months of stock shortages and embarrassing errors, the vaccination campaign in Europe has finally accelerated” reads, also recording how “in the EU now every almost the same number of doses per inhabitants administered in the United States “which started much earlier and with greater stability of supplies. The question is that Europe” tends to increase, while America tends to decrease “the pace of vaccinations, adds the Post, recalling that” the US has doses available to the entire adult population, but it is hard to find whoever wants them. ” While in Europe “we are now starting to open appointments to the youngest”. Thus it is expected that in “July the EU will have reached the United States” in the race towards 70% of the vaccinated and the aspiration to herd immunity. In the last month, France has increased the number of daily doses by 60%, Italy by 90% and Germany by 145%. At the moment, 30% of the population has vaccinated with at least one dose, still lagging behind 45% in the US, 52% in the UK and 60% in Israel.