Bad weather Catania, the trader: “Trapped in the shop, incalculable damage” – Video

Bad weather in Sicily, with floods that particularly hit the city of Catania. “We were really afraid. An incessant rain, an apocalypse with water that invaded our shop here in the fish market. Water at least a meter high. Around 2.30 pm thanks to the intervention of the firefighters we were able to get out. We were practically trapped “, says Roberto, a reseller in the Catania fish market who tells AdnKronos about the terrible moments he experienced yesterday during the violent storm that hit the Etna capital. “From the early hours of this morning – adds Roberto – together with relatives and friends we have been trying to count the incalculable damage that destroyed our shop”. The scenario of the fish market in Catania, a historic and very characteristic place, this morning, presents a scenario that offers the face of after the flood: debris, upturned fish counters, upside-down chairs and tables, and the remains of the ‘stream’ of water scattered everywhere. “We hope – concludes Roberto – important help for us workers”. (by Francesco Bianco)