Police unions: “No penalties on pensions and social security, ready to protest”

“The general secretaries of the majority unions of the civil police forces, Siulp, Sap, Siap (State Police) and Sappe, Uilpa Prison Police and Fns Cisl (Penitentiary Police) representing the staff of the State Police and the Penitentiary Police in sight of the presentation of the Budget Bill to the Chambers, feel the moral and political duty to announce an incisive and determined protest action in the event that the very serious and heavy inequalities between the police forces are not eliminated in the budget law to be civil, military and firefighters legislation on pensions and social security due to the incorrect application of art.54 of Presidential Decree 1092/73 by INPS which, in facts and choices, clearly divided the Security Section from that of Defence”. Thus the police unions in a note. “The lack of equiordination for the staff who perform the same tasks, roles and functions of public order and security, cannot be transformed into an unjustified and very serious penalty against police officers, resulting in yet another inequality of treatment within the sector Security and Defense “, they denounce. “In the absence of concrete facts and solutions, we will address the state of agitation and general mobilization of the police forces without ifs and buts, and we will not hesitate to take to the streets with local and national demonstrations. Well aware of the delicate historical moment that is living the country and the social and international tensions that concern everyone for the maintenance of public order, nevertheless – the unions conclude – we cannot place the sense of responsibility of the state on the shoulders of the police alone and we invoke ‘the legality of the law’ for all the policemen we represent, otherwise the social and trade union conflict of the civil police forces will be irrevocable “.