Covid, Fimmg. ‘Already 2,000 family doctors use algorithm for vaccine priority’

“Family medicine has tried to optimize the identification times of patients to be vaccinated first against Covid, within the age range indicated by the vaccination plan. We have thus created an algorithm that offers an additional tool to the doctor. Based on all the guidelines and other elements, the general practitioner asked computer scientists to create the algorithm we are already using. ” This was stated by Tommasa Maio, national secretary of Fimmg continuity of care, speaking at the online meeting “Protecting oneself from herpes zoster, an opportunity not to be missed. When innovation meets prevention”, organized by Gsk Italia. “The algorithm – explained Maio – took months to run in. And at the moment it is used by two thousand doctors (but the number is increasing) who, in the running-in phase, have made all the necessary corrections. The need arose. from the fact that, unlike the other vaccinations, for the anti-Covid vaccination, very broad categories to be vaccinated have been indicated as a priority. But, within the same category, there are people who have no pathology and some, instead, who have maybe two or three serious ones. Considering the lack of vaccines, the ethical question arose: who should give the dose first in the same age group? “. Therefore,” criteria were identified for an equitable response, starting from the scientific assumption. From here we tried to implement the algorithm. It is clear, however, that it is only a tool used by the doctor and that it does not replace the choice of the clinician. It will be very useful when, hopefully soon, we find ourselves at manage on a adults, no longer 3 but 4 vaccines. In this context, and on the basis of the algorithm, we are able to speed up and rationalize the times of identification but also of contact with the patient, from sending the appointment to booking the recall “, concluded Maio.