Research, nanotechnology improves muscle strength of multiple sclerosis sufferers

A study conducted on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis in various stages, during the lockdown period, published in ‘The European Journal of Translational Myology’, highlighted the improvement of the muscular conditions of the patients involved thanks to the application of a nanotechnological device that emits wavelengths of therapeutic light, combined with a home rehabilitation exercise program. The research, indexed on PubMed, the world database on scientific research, was carried out and coordinated by a multidisciplinary team of the Posturology and Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Psychological, Pedagogical, Exercise and Training Sciences of the University of Palermo, coordinated by Angelo Iovane and Giuseppe Messina. The study – reports a note – was conducted at a historical moment that has made the condition of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis even more problematic, due to the difficulty of accessing the usual rehabilitation sessions, reduced due to the Covid-19 emergency. and the fear of leaving the house. Rehabilitation for these patients – remember – plays a fundamental role in preventing the worsening of all motor problems and limiting sedentary lifestyle. Thus, the patients were given home exercises so that they would not run any risks when leaving home, combined with the application of two Taopatch * nanotechnological devices, positioned in 2 specific points of the body. 17 patients were involved in the research, divided into two groups. The first group was given a series of exercises to be practiced at home and a second group was administered, in addition to the home exercise protocol, also the application of the Taopatch technology, a device with the appearance of a microchip that is fixed to the body with a patch and wear it continuously. It acts on neuro-muscular efficiency by facilitating communication between the nervous system and the muscles. The analyzes found an increase in muscle strength on both limbs of patients with combined therapy (Taopatch + rehabilitation) and not only on the dominant part, as occurred in patients who only performed home exercises. “The advantage – comments Messina, coordinator of the research units of the University of Palermo – is to have shown that a technological device, combined with a home exercise protocol, has helped to improve the muscle strength of patients, allowing them to continue to maintain and improve their results at beyond the closure of rehabilitation centers caused by the pandemic. With the Taopatch device there was also the advantage of its operation 24 hours a day, thus becoming a constant support in therapy, as well as easy to use and free of any contraindications. Today – he says – the research is continuing successfully, the results we are continuing to have are confirming the effectiveness of the device and the benefits that patients are obtaining “. It is known that the multiple sclerosis patient loses mobility, muscle strength. and ability to move over time and speaking of a chronic-degenerative disease it is difficult to limit its progression. Diego Genua of the Vitality di Vita rehabilitation center (Trapani), research unit of the Posturology Laboratory, studied the home rehabilitation protocol for patients and Biomechanics of the University of Palermo. “The results were certainly satisfactory – he says – because they highlighted the effectiveness of this combined therapy in improving the muscle strength of the upper limbs, a very rare event when it comes to multiple sclerosis. This study opens many doors in the therapeutic treatment of this type of patient “.” This study further enriches the progress and results we are having on the use of technology on patients with multiple sclerosis “, says Fabio Fontana, founder of Tao Technologies and creator of Taopatch. “Already in a previous research published in the journal HEGEL, in which MS patients were monitored for a whole year, we were able to increase the range of motion of the joints, their muscle strength, to arrest the progression of the symptoms of the disease and the data had also shown an improvement in the emotional and mental state, as well as physical. This is an important discovery – he continues – because technologies or methods to restore the strength of the multiple sclerosis patient are not yet known to the scientific world. We hope to be able to go further with other studies, with a greater number of people and also on other parameters. Today Taopatch is in use worldwide for 10,230 multiple sclerosis patients, we would like to try to broaden these numbers and extend these benefits to other chronic-degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s “.