From Luca Ward to Fabio Volo, narrative voices of ‘Lupo tells the Sma’

To tell young and old about Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a rare genetic disease among the most common causes of infant mortality, to give life to the characters of the cartoon series ‘Lupo tells the SMA’ – presented this morning during a webinar – are especially the voices of well-known faces, actors and dubbers, famous in Italy and abroad. Among them Luca Ward, Francesco Pannofino, flanked by the actor Fabio Volo, the Trio Medusa and the radio host La Pina, who immediately married the initiative promoted by Biogen and Famiglie Sma. “Taking part in this project – Fabio Volo has no doubts – it was great, I am truly flattered to have been part of the initiative. Being the voice of Tordo has given me the opportunity to tell the story of a family that is ‘different’ from mine, showing the many points in common with the reality of all the families that daily face together difficulties and problems, small and large, sustained. by the strength of their bonds “. On the same wavelength Francesco Pannofino, voice of Owl: “Telling a fairy tale – he explains – is always nice, doing it for ‘Lupo tells Sma’ was even more so because these stories are universal and can help, with delicacy and lightness, children, teenagers, adults and families living with the disease. I will be impressed by the strength and determination of the protagonists who, episode after episode, you too will discover and you will see they will be able to lead you into a special world “. Every day on the radio “we give voice to many stories – remember Gabriele Corsi, Furio Corsetti and Giorgio Daviddi, or the Trio Medusa, which in the cartoon are the Carpa brothers – but this involved us in a particular way because it gave us the opportunity to a reflection on a world, that of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which every day tests those who live with it, between reaching their limits, but not exceeding them “. For the radio presenter La Pina (voice of Serpentella) “things we don’t know are frightening, it is no coincidence that we are afraid of what we don’t know. Knowledge guarantees the right to fragility, normality, inclusion “. “I really hope that this cartoon can reach as many people as possible: adults, teens, children, not just the little patients with SMA, because it truly treats a world rich in nuances, feelings, in a delicate and at the same time realistic way. fears, hopes, falls and successes. And then when you communicate with children you are sure that you have not worked in vain ”concludes La Pina.