Covid, “monoclonal cocktail reduces hospitalized viral load”

The ‘cocktail’ of monoclonal antibodies Casirivimab-Imdevimab (Ronapreve *) significantly reduces the viral load of patients hospitalized with Covid-19, the Swiss pharmaceutical group Roche said today. Developed together with New York biotech company Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, the mix was licensed in Japan in July. He had already received emergency or temporary clearance in Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Europe and India. EMA’s main advisory committee, the European Medicines Agency, recently came out in favor of full homologation and both the Swiss Confederation and the EU have already reserved lots of the therapy. “While vaccines are effective in preventing hospitalization remains the important need for “therapy” for people who are infected and hospitalized, “said the American oncologist Levi Garraway, Chief Medical Officer of Roche, quoted in a statement from the company.

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