“We were expecting this news. Now we know with certainty that when we vaccinate people at risk, for diseases or the elderly, against Herpes Zoster, we protect them for at least 10 years.” This is how Michele Conversano, director of the Prevention Department of the Asl of Taranto and president of the technical scientific committee of HappyAgeing, comments on the news that the adjuvanted recombinant vaccine against Herpes Zoster maintains a high efficacy 10 years after administration. “When we introduce a new vaccine – he explains – we stick to the safety and efficacy data just made, then over time we check the duration of protection for patients. This vaccine had already proved very effective, now we have confirmation that it is also very long-lasting and therefore constitutes a great advantage for public health “. “We are seeing that, with the post Covid, for frail and elderly patients there is an increase in the manifestation of the Herpes Zoster virus – underlines Conversano – On the other hand, the immune system has been involved in these subjects and this leads to an increase in manifestations, which are not only in classic areas such as the intercostal area, but can also affect the face.The virus is the same that causes chickenpox when young – recalls the expert – it remains latent in the nerve ganglia and waits for some deficit to manifest itself. It is sufficient that pathologies coexist and immunosuppressive drugs are used, in addition to the natural aging of the immune system, which can cause painful, frequent and serious phenomena, with disabling consequences after the acute phase such as post-herpetic neuralgia. To have effective vaccines today that last over time. it is fundamental “, he concludes.