Pisani (Ailar): “Communication between our main missions”

“Communication is one of Ailar’s main missions”, the Italian Laryngectomy Association. President Paolo Pisani underlines this, on the sidelines of the presentation of Merck’s ‘La Mia Voce’ App at the Genoa Science Festival. The application, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple Store and Google Play in several languages, is one of the technological tools to support patients who, due to head and neck cancer, have difficulty speaking. Patients with head and neck cancer who have to undergo a total laryngectomy experience the loss of their voice, “with a significant impact from a social point of view – explains Pisani – Our patients face significant psychological problems: the backlash of the diagnosis , waiting for surgery and then the inability to communicate. In Ailar we start with psychological support for patients waiting for surgery and we are present for the entire rehabilitation phase through surgical techniques, which today are implemented with the voice rhythmophonic (the ability to express oneself with the air that is swallowed and erupted by vibrating the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx), or with more innovative methods such as speech valves “.