The seventh edition of the ‘Patient advocacy network’ in Rome

They carry out an important work of health education and promotion of health-friendly behaviors. They support the families of the sick and defend their rights. Yet, patient associations are excluded from the decision-making tables, unlike what is happening in other European countries. For this they ask to play an active role in decision-making processes that can lead to significant results in assistance and care. And it is precisely in the direction of creating participatory healthcare that today and tomorrow, in Rome, the VII edition of the ‘Patient advocacy network’ takes place, a training initiative aimed at patient associations and organized by the High School of Economics and Management of health systems (Altems) – Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University on the Rome campus, with the unconditional support of AstraZeneca. To demonstrate the importance of the role of advocacy, about 25 associations representing patients with chronic, oncological and haematological diseases participate in the event, including Anmar (National Association of Rheumatic Patients), Italian Association of BPCO Patients, Europa Donna, Fand (Italian Association diabetics), Favo (Italian Federation of Oncology Associations), Italian Kidney Foundation, Italian Heart Foundation, Respiriamo Insieme and Walce Onlus. The initiative – reads a note – was born with the aim of involving patient associations, active in different areas, to promote training and discussion on strategic issues in the health agenda of our country, helping to strengthen their advocacy role towards institutions and decision makers. The central theme of this year’s edition of the ‘Patient advocacy network’ is “The scenarios of participation in healthcare in the light of the Next generation Eu: the common priorities of associations for the future of the NHS”. In Europe, initiatives such as tables, consultations, working groups are multiplying which, in the various issues relating to health policies, provide for the participation of patient associations within the Commission, the Council, the European Parliament and in Ema’s regulatory policies – the note continues -. The associations will thus be able to deepen the participation models present in Europe and discuss the evolution of the scenario of our country, at national and regional level. The second day will be dedicated to interaction, through workshops in which participants will work on common priorities for the future, giving space to dialogue and the creation of synergies. “Altems for years has chosen to work on strengthening the skills of the world of civic associations involved in health – says Americo Cicchetti, director of Altems -. It is part of its mission to strengthen the capacity for action and impact of all the actors of the health service. , including citizens. The course we have organized goes in this direction with the aim of measuring itself against a European perspective in which the theme of the participation of citizens ‘and patients’ associations is strong, especially in the face of important challenges such as innovation and sustainability of health systems also in light of the changes that will be generated by the NRP “. “The significant data of this course – adds Teresa Petrangolini, director of the Patient advocacy Lab of Altems – is a large presence of civic representatives and this shows a great hunger for knowledge, for sharing experiences, for action tools to be a voice and part active in health policies. We will dialogue with authoritative teachers and interlocutors, but we will experiment together the most functional practices and methodologies to play a participatory role, functional to the protection of patients’ rights, especially after the signing of the Guidance Act on participation by part of the Ministry of Health “.” AstraZeneca has always promoted the essential role of patient associations and their inclusion in the decision-making processes that affect them as well as the future of the health system – comments Ilaria Piuzzi, Head of external communication and patient advocacy of AstraZeneca Italia -. Giving continuity to the ‘Patient advocacy network’ is much more than supporting a training program: it is for us a way of responding to the urgent need for balancing in dialogue and collaboration between associations, institutions and companies to concretely go in the direction of participatory healthcare. and therefore stronger and more sustainable “.

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