The expert: “Innovative therapies against chronic pain, pillar of care”

Against chronic pain “the daily challenge is based on two therapeutic pillars, namely drug therapies (tablets or drugs to be injected) and medical device implants aimed at stimulating nerve endings. Compared to the former, which are more accessible and easier to administer, however, patients can develop drug resistance and, therefore, be ineffective in counteracting pain, or generate very disabling side effects. Implantable devices, currently one of the most innovative solutions in medical science, involve minimally invasive procedures and are highly effective “. Thus Pietro Vassetti, director of the UOSD – Pain Therapy Hub of the San Giuliano Hospital in Giugliano, Asl Napoli 2 Nord, one of the national centers of excellence. “There are no intermediate solutions – continues the expert – Chronic pain is a disease that can affect anyone, in any part of the body, with very heavy implications on a personal and social level and which must not be neglected. It must not be tolerated, but must be faced and treated using all the therapies that science makes available today “. In Europe, more than 100 million people suffer from chronic pain, often for years: a suffering army that seeks relief by resorting to drug therapies, manual treatments, specialist solutions, surgery. They are patients who also suffer from several pathologies at the same time, often unheard and underestimated by the doctors themselves, with a substantial trivialization of the problems. In fact, it is estimated that many patients wait up to 10 years before receiving adequate treatment In clinical terms, chronic pain is a constant pain, which lasts more than three months and which can have devastating effects in daily life, compromising work activities, relationships interpersonal, mobility. Suffice it to remember that, in Italy alone, this universe is made up of over 13 million patients of various ages, with 56% represented by women who often suffer from multiple pathologies with a high incidence of fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, migraine and for this reason , have never lifted their child off the ground, crossed their legs or live in dim light, to resist headaches. Against chronic pain, “bone marrow neurostimulation technologies are decisive and very welcome to patients because they allow, even improving the mobility, to resume many work activities, a good quality of life and a good reintegration into the social system ”, underlines Vassetti. Small medullary neurostimulators are inserted into the spinal cord. Similarly to what cardiac devices do, through a very thin catheter they deliver internal electrical stimulations, functioning as real ‘neuropacemaker’ “. The Giugliano Pain Therapy Hub is among the first in Italy for the provision of particular neurostimulation therapies that combine the latest in terms of “electrical waveforms” to maximize results and personalize them on the patient. The technological innovations and the acceleration impressed by the Giugliano Hub (over 90 neurostimulation systems carried out annually) have helped to direct many patients from other Italian regions towards the Center of the South. “In our country – says Vassetti – there is no, unfortunately, a real culture of pain therapy. But, it is good not to forget it, chronic pain compromises the lives of 13 million people and must be addressed at 360 degrees, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, not limiting itself to solving physical problems but also supporting the patient. in psychological, relational, social terms. It is a commitment that cannot be postponed, that science and doctors must undertake towards millions of patients, looking to a more accessible, modern and responsible healthcare ”, concludes the specialist.