Covid today Italy, 17,668 infections and 48 deaths: September 3 bulletin

There are 10,668 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, 3 September 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health bulletin. There are also 48 other deaths. In the last 24 hours 152,452 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positivity rate of 11.6%. Hospitalizations are down, 189 fewer since yesterday, and intensive care, 7 fewer since yesterday. DATA FROM THE LAZIO REGIONS – There are 1,443 new infections from covid in Lazio according to today’s bulletin, 3 September. There is also another death. There are 674 new cases in Rome. “Today in Lazio, out of 2,882 molecular swabs and 9,294 antigenic swabs for a total of 12,176 swabs, 1,443 new positive cases (+25), 1 death (-2), 506 hospitalized ( -2), 39 intensive therapies (=) and +4,241 those recovered. The ratio between positives and swabs is 11.8% “, Alessio D’Amato, the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, announced in a note. In detail, in the ASL Roma 1 there are 250 new cases and 0 deaths; in ASL Roma 2 there are 245 new cases and 0 deaths; in ASL Roma 3 there are 179 new cases and 0 deaths; in ASL Roma 4 there are 64 new cases and 0 deaths; in the Asl Roma 5 there are 121 new cases and 0 deaths, in the Asl Roma 6 there are 100 new cases and 0 deaths. In the provinces there are 484 new cases: the Asl of Frosinone records 209 new cases and 0 deaths; the ASL of Latina 162 new cases and 0 deaths; the ASL of Rieti 44 new cases and 1 death and in the ASL of Viterbo there are 69 new cases and 0 deaths in the last 24 hours. SARDINIA – There are 297 new covid infections in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 3 September. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. 270 cases diagnosed by antigenic. A total of 2,791 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. The patients admitted to the intensive care units are 8 (+1). The patients admitted to the medical area are 85 (-4). There are 9,604 cases of home isolation (+50). TUSCANY – There are 762 new coronavirus infections today 3 September in Tuscany, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are 4 more deaths. The new cases, 143 confirmed with molecular swabs and the other 619 with rapid tests, bring the number of infected persons detected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic up to 1 million and 379,118 and are 0.1 percent more than the total of the previous day. The healed also grew by 0.1 percent (1,410 people) and reached 1,287,546 (93.4% of total cases). The data, relating to the trend of the pandemic, are those ascertained today based on the requests of the National Civil Protection At the moment in Tuscany they are therefore 80,908 positive, 0.8 percent less than yesterday. Of these, only 250 (down by sixteen in twenty-four hours, – 6 percent) are hospitalized: nine (stable value) are in intensive care. Four deaths are added, but only one occurred in the last two days while the others refer to previous weeks: a total of 3 men and 1 woman, with an average age of 83.8 years. Since the last daily bulletin, 855 molecular swabs and 6,009 rapid antigenic swabs have been performed: of these 11.1 percent tested positive. On the other hand, 1,298 subjects were tested, excluding the control swabs: 58.7% of these tested positive. The average age of the 762 new positives is around 53: 9 percent are under twenty, 16 percent between 20 and 39, 30 percent between 40 and 59, 34 percent between 60 and 79 and 11 percent eighty years or more. With the latest cases the positives rise to 376,814 since the beginning of the emergency in the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Florence (162 more than yesterday), 92,507 in the province of Prato (43 in more), 108,638 in Pistoia (51 more), 69,213 in Massa Carrara (62 more), 147,275 in Lucca (94 more), 160,008 in Pisa (79 more), 124,734 in Livorno (89 more), 124,758 in Arezzo (75 more), 98,868 in Siena (61 more) and 75,748 in Grosseto (46 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. To these must be added 555 positive cases reported in Tuscany but concerning residents in other regions. EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 1,336 new covid infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, 3 September. There are also another 3 deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,825,991 positive cases have been recorded in the region, 9,775 swabs performed in the last 24 hours, of which 4,448 are molecular and 5,327 rapid antigen tests. Overall, the percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 14%. The patients currently hospitalized in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna are 29 (-3 compared to yesterday, -9.4%), the average age is 66.1 years. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, there are 817 (-48 compared to yesterday, -5.5%), average age 75.5 years. On the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 1 in Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday) 2 in Parma (unchanged); 1 in Reggio Emilia (unchanged); 4 in Modena (unchanged); 10 in Bologna (-2); 2 in Imola (-1); 5 in Ferrara (-1); 2 in Ravenna (unchanged); 1 in Forlì (unchanged); 1 in Cesena (unchanged). No hospitalization in Rimini (like yesterday).