Double suspension for director of Pediatric Clinic Parma, you are filing a lawsuit for mobbing

A double suspension from the assistance activity at the Parma university hospital where he directs the Pediatric Clinic at the ‘Pietro Barilla’ hospital. This is what happened to Professor Susanna Esposito, pediatrician and infectious disease specialist who, after having appealed against the two expulsion measures, also filed a lawsuit for bullying. His criminal lawyer Carlo Tremolada told Adnkronos: “Last April, the Emilia Romagna Region asked the Health Directorate of the University Hospital of Parma the number of beds available for Ukrainian children who are fleeing the war and have need for pediatric assistance. The Management communicated a certain number that my client believed not to be true, so she wrote to the councilor that the beds were more than those communicated “. At that point, the lawyer reconstructs, Esposito is hit by the first suspension. “The Directorate General has taken a measure, pursuant to a rule that does not provide for an interlocution, for the expulsion and suspension for 90 days from the hospital and from the assistance activity”, she underlines. But at the end of July, a couple of days before the expiry of the measure, a new suspension was triggered “for another 90 days without communicating the reasons. Even against this second measure, the labor lawyers have appealed – the lawyer goes over – Our suspicion is that this second suspension is based on a letter with which Esposito reported, in November 2021, to the President of the Region and to the regional health managers a series of serious dysfunctions, management and organizational problems of the hospital “. Now all eyes are on 8 September when a hearing before the Parma labor judge is scheduled to discuss, as a matter of urgency, the suspension of the provision. “We have filed a complaint-lawsuit for bullying with the Parma prosecutor’s office”, says the lawyer Tremolada. The University Hospital of Parma, for its part, does not enter into the merits of what happened: “Since the start of the events in question, the University Hospital of Parma has not appropriately considered it necessary to publish information relating to the measures adopted – he says – This is to protect data and personal issues related to the subjects involved and in compliance with the competences of the judicial authority “. Meanwhile, the Italian Federation of Intercategory Trade Unions (Fisi) expressed support for Susanna Esposito through the national health secretary Dario Di Marcoberardino: “The Fisi is certain that the law will take its regular course and that the truth will prevail”, he stressed in a Note. The Parma Fisi organized a sit-in “to express solidarity and closeness” to the professor.