Robot pharmacist, Ancona capital of hi-tech in hospital

Technological innovation for the management of hospital pharmacies starts from the Marche region, in particular for the robotic preparation of oncological medicines. A primacy that the Region has held for years, linked to the presence on the territory of the company that has developed a system for the preparation of tailor-made oncological therapies, which eliminates the possibility of errors – ‘Apoteca’, used in dozens countries around the world by 14 years old – and which today makes Ancona the capital of hospital pharmacy by hosting facility managers from Cleveland, Santiago de Chile, Barcelona, ​​Paris, Leeds, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo and Mainz. The meeting, organized by the manufacturer of the robotic system, Loccioni from Marche, brings together an international scientific community, made up of the users of the system who have carried out, since 2006, 11 innovation projects and 93 clinical trials. The appointment aims to allow a comparison of experiences and proceed on the path of innovation, not only as regards oncological therapies but on all preparations in the hospital.