“An important aspect to understand now will be what to do with people who have been vaccinated for a long time, more than 8 months ago, therefore the first immunized” in Italy, those who inaugurated the anti-Covid vaccination campaign from the end of December 2020 on. “Because now the possibility of a third dose is starting to be quite important.” Massimo Clementi, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and lecturer at the Vita-Salute University, highlighted the need to evaluate the question now at Adnkronos Salute. A reflection must be addressed, in his opinion, “even for those who have had the complete vaccination cycle at the beginning of the year”, most of which are healthcare professionals. “I believe that the third dose will at least come to recommend it to frail people, with pathologies and over 70”, observes the expert. Other countries have already taken this path. From Israel which has chosen to cover the over 60s with another anti-Covid vaccine booster, to Germany which is starting from groups at risk. “And I think we will all get there”, concludes Clementi. “The numbers show a slowdown in the growth of Covid infections and seem to suggest that we are relatively close to some sort of peak” in this wave of cases. “A peak that we should reach shortly thereafter, probably by August, if the trend is the same as in the countries that preceded us in this diffusion of the Delta variant of Sars-CoV-2. We should remain in this order of magnitudes both in terms of new infected and hospitalized “, is the analysis of the virologist, who looks at the data that emerged from the monitoring. Italy has a transmissibility index Rt which appears stable at the moment. Together with the incidence, hospitalizations and intensive care are slightly increasing, but “the figure is still quite in line with the increase in infected subjects”, comments the expert at Adnkronos Health. Looking at intensive care, “almost always – 9 times out of 10 – they are unvaccinated patients or patients with incomplete vaccination. This further confirms that the vaccine protects “. And while discussing the impact of this new wave of infections on vaccinated people, Clementi invites us to reflect on one aspect: “Infection can occur in vaccinated people and in some cases it was to be expected – says the director of the Microbiology Laboratory. and Virology of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and lecturer at the Vita-Salute University – But as regards hospitalizations and the possibility of grafting very serious infections that can lead to intensive care, there is considerable protection from vaccination . Also yesterday a work was published in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’ which confirms it. So far the vaccines have protected against all variants, when more or less, but they have protected “. The vaccinated, explains Clementi,” produces two classes of IgG and IgM antibodies; it does not produce a third one which instead does those who have had the natural infection, that is the secretory IgA antibodies present in the mucous membranes. also have a replicative cycle or two in the mucous membranes. That’s when the swab is positive. Then the immunity developed thanks to the vaccine intervenes. The infection is usually very transhistoric and low in viral load. It can infect, of course, but it is less likely than an unvaccinated person and is unlikely to get sick “.” It can also happen that the viral load is higher – admits the expert – We must explain all the episodes that occur in a pandemic with many infected subjects, but we must also confirm that vaccines are the most powerful weapon we have at the moment and are proving their full effectiveness. It would be difficult, even climbing on the mirrors, to question it “.
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