In collaboration with Blood pressure is one of the vital parameters, and thanks to its measurement it allows us to quickly collect valuable data, especially for all those patients who are required to monitor it frequently. Blood pressure measures the force exerted by the heart to pump blood by making it flow into the blood vessels. Depending on the contractions of the heart, it can increase or decrease. It is fair to specify that the pressure values are subjective and personal, each individual has a clinical picture different from that of all the others. We must therefore learn to know ourselves, to know our values and to worry only when our parameters undergo changes.What happens with high blood pressure? In Italy, according to the survey of the SIIA (Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension), there are about 15 millions of people suffer from high blood pressure, of which a large part are not even aware. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, occurs when the heart exerts more force than normal. This leads to fatigue on the part of the heart muscle and in some more serious cases, pains such as headaches, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision can be experienced.If not kept under control, high blood pressure can lead to more serious consequences including fatigue, breathing problems and damage to blood vessels due to too much force against their walls. What are the remedies for high blood pressure? Having high blood pressure is a condition that cannot be managed independently, and therefore, if pressure levels are not correct, it is advisable to always listen to the opinion of your doctor, who will be able to provide the right therapy to follow and in which he will evaluate whether to use a drug or a supplement. control the blood pressure levels there are several valid solutions. In fact, there are products on the market that can be used in these situations but, if you don’t know which one to choose, you can consult the online pharmacy which offers useful products in case of high blood pressure. Each product is accompanied by an accurate descriptive card full of information, so you can choose the right product for you in total autonomy. And if that’s not enough, for each product there is a section where you can ask questions: the expert team of pharmacists will answer you by removing any doubts and advising you on the purchase. In addition, the shipments are very fast (and free over € 29) and within 24-48 hours the package will be at your home. Other tips for hypertension What can we do if we suffer from high blood pressure? First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the situation on the basis of the person, and therefore it is not possible to provide advice that can be useful for everyone. At the same time, there are some small precautions that we can still keep in mind: Do not smoke and reduce the consumption of alcohol as much as possible; Follow a low-salt diet; Exercise suitable for our person and in line with the state of health High blood pressure: what to eat If you have high blood pressure it is advisable to review your diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of foods containing saturated fats, such as red and processed meats (cured meats) and cheeses. Salt must also be strictly reduced and at the same time avoid consuming snacks and packaged products that abandon their salt. Large space instead of fruit, vegetables, fish (rich in Omega-3), legumes and whole grains. Low blood pressure in the summer: what to do? We talked about high blood pressure and now we see low blood pressure (hypotension) instead. Summer is the time of year when due to the heat it is more likely to experience moments of exhaustion with a consequent lowering of blood pressure. We recommend replenishing lost mineral salts immediately by drinking water or taking magnesium and potassium supplements in order to recover the mineral salts lost during sweating. pressure drop we invite you to pay attention to these symptoms: General tiredness; Feeling of faintness; Feeling of weakness, weak legs and dizziness; Drowsiness, poor concentration and visual difficulties Cold sweating What foods is recommended to eat against low blood pressure? in any situation, proper nutrition is always our health ally. And even against low blood pressure, knowing what to eat can be really important to help keep blood pressure levels correct. At the base of the diet to follow we have the intake of a lot of water and mineral salts, and therefore we prefer all those foods that contain them in large quantities. Which ones are they? First of all fruit, and then ample space for oranges, lemons and kiwis. As a vegetable we prefer green leaves, zucchini and spinach. A big hand can also be given by caffeine and theine, which have a vasoconstrictive effect and increase blood pressure levels. Perhaps not everyone knows that licorice can also be a valid help for blood pressure: in fact, thanks to the presence of glycyrrhetic acid, it is able to increase blood pressure. We emphasize that licorice can be consumed in any form (including candies). Furthermore, the levels of vitamins B12 and iron must always be kept high, which are able to strengthen and protect our immune system, and to help us we can count on some supplements. Especially in athletes it is necessary to maintain high levels of potassium and magnesium, which are spent during physical activity: their absence can cause dizziness and peaks of tiredness. to experience lowering of blood pressure we can try to follow these tips: Do not consume excessively heavy meals; Drink plenty of water even when you are not thirsty in order to maintain sufficient levels of hydration in the body; Avoid excessively sunny places that can put us at risk of sweating a lot with the consequence of losing a lot of salts.
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