School, “over 12 in the classroom with Green pass and not vaccinated in Dad”: the proposal

For the return to school in September, a “double track, for the safety of all” should be envisaged. Students over 12 with the Green pass, which certifies the successful anti-Covid vaccination, “in the classroom”. I not vaccinated “in Dad”. For the pediatrician Italo Farnetani the beginning of the new school year should be managed like this. “The Green pass – the full professor of paediatrics of the Free Ludes University of Malta tells Adnkronos Salute – is a widespread practice all over the world, especially Europe and North America. In the current case of the pandemic it should not be indispensable only for teachers, but also for pupils “. “To preserve the safety of students and families who have vaccinated their children, and at the same time to respect the freedom widely requested with street demonstrations, I propose to allow access to face-to-face lessons only to those who have carried out vaccination and I require schools to equip themselves to be able to carry out videoconferences during class hours, connecting with unvaccinated pupils who will follow the lessons from home – this is the strategy illustrated by the expert – In this way, teaching continuity can be guaranteed, but above all the possibility of staying at school in the presence of all those who have been vaccinated are protected “.” The face-to-face and videoconference lessons do not require additional work for teachers and will also be a useful service for students who are in quarantine It should be noted that there has already been good adhesion to the vaccination campaign by the students and there is still circ a month and a half at the beginning of schools with the possibility of having pupils vaccinated “against Covid, continues Farnetani. The teachers, the pediatrician points out,” as public operators must undergo the compulsory vaccination, as happened for doctors and health workers, otherwise the proposal to assign them to other tasks is right. For students, the double track must be applied to over 12, for which there is an approved vaccine. Progressively, with the lowering of the range in which vaccination will be possible, the rule of the Green pass will have to be widened. We begin to strictly apply the double track only to those over 12, who will thus have the opportunity to actively avoid Dad. The vaccination and the pass – he concludes – are a great opportunity and a significant positive mortgage on the school year for the over 12 and I advise not to throw it away “.