Covid, Hope: “War has replaced viruses in the media, not in reality”

“War has replaced the virus in the media, not in reality.” The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, said today, speaking of coronavirus infections and anti Covid vaccines, in his speech at the conference of the Onlus Athena Foundation ‘Women’s health: policies for the future’, at the American Studies Center of Rome. “We need to keep our attention high – underlined Speranza – try elements of indispensable prudence and work on vaccines that have allowed us, in the 6 most difficult months from autumn to the end of winter, not to close Italy thanks to the high percentage of adhesions to vaccinations of Italians. Countries with few “vaccinated, with” percentages of immunizations below Italy, were forced to close. If we have resisted it is thanks to vaccines, we have recommendations to continue the vaccination campaign for the over 80s , fragile groups over 60 and for those in RSA. And then, step by step, we will evaluate later “.