Neuromed, Necropsy Medicine Center inaugurated

The Necropsy Medicine Center – Training Surgery Unit of the Irccs Neuromed in Pozzilli (Isernia) was inaugurated at the Institute’s Technological Park. The event also marks the beginning of the ‘Memorial Cantore 2022’, the event dedicated to the memory of Professor Giampaolo Cantore, who for many years directed the Department of Neuroscience now named after him, making it a reality of international level. Precisely in the memory of the luminary, Neuromed Neurosurgery thus reaches another milestone of excellence in the training of young neurosurgeons, thanks to an advanced anatomical laboratory where they can practice and refine their techniques on human preparations. “An important activity for the training of surgeons and neurosurgeons, because by training and studying on the human anatomical preparation it is possible to become fully aware and master this complex anatomy in order to be able to apply it in surgery”. Thus Vincenzo Esposito, full professor of Neurosurgery at the ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome, who spoke at the inauguration of the Necropsy Medicine Center. “In the composition of the teaching staff – he added – we also have teachers who come from abroad, as well as some students. The courses are structured with a theoretical part and a laboratory part, in which all the notions are practiced on the corpse. important – he stressed – that the surgeon knows certain procedures on the corpse well before using them on the living person. “A passage on Cantore could not be missing, luminary for years at the head of the department now named after him. “Professor Cantore – Esposito recalled – was my teacher and of many others. He has always been very active, even in the training of young people. This center is named in memory of him precisely because of his dedication to the training of young people” . The laboratory will be the protagonist, until Saturday 23 April, of the first ‘hands on’ course on the skull base, which will see the fusion of theoretical lessons and practical approach thanks to the contribution of Italian and international neurosurgeon experts. The event marks an important milestone, not only for the Neuromed, but also and above all for the impetus that will be given to innovation in the field of neurosurgery.