Mysterious hepatitis, suspected case in Tuscan boy hospitalized in Rome

According to Adnkronos Salute, a 3-year-old boy from Prato with suspected acute hepatitis of unknown origin was transferred to Rome to the Bambino Gesù hospital. Liver transplantation is being evaluated for him. The little boy had arrived the day before yesterday at the Meyer pediatric hospital in Florence, confirmed by the health facility, with a very serious clinical picture. Although the correlation with European cases of hepatitis of unknown etiology, particularly aggressive forms reported in children under the age of 10, and defined by hepatitis experts as ‘not A-non E’, has not yet been established, attention is also high in Italy. , where a sweeping investigation is underway on all Italian pediatric hepatological centers, to evaluate the possible increase of these forms and consequently verify whether our country is affected by the phenomenon that is involving various countries, in particular the United Kingdom, where 108 cases of under 10 have occurred since January. Also in the USA an alert was issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) after 9 cases detected in Alabama, all children aged 1 to 6 years in which an adenovirus infection has also been diagnosed.