Covid today Italy, Gimbe: net contagion drop but -20% tampons processed

Covid today Italy, a sharp decline in infections in the last week even if the numbers are conditioned by a reduction of over 20% in tampons. The monitoring of the Gimbe foundation reveals, in the week 13-19 April, “a net reduction of new cases (353,193 against 438,751) in all regions, affected by the significant decrease in testing activity. There are 72 provinces with a higher incidence to 500 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. Stable occupancy of beds in the medical area (+7) and decreasing in intensive care (-41). Deaths are also decreasing (861) “. “After two weeks of slight reduction – says Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation – the new weekly cases appear to be in sharp decline (-19.5%), which amount to 353 thousand with a 7-day moving average that falls around to 50 thousand cases: numbers conditioned by a reduction of more than 20% of tampons as a result of the Easter holidays “. Obligation of masks “About ten days after May 1st, the date on which the obligation to wear masks indoors should expire, all curves (new cases, hospitalizations, intensive care, deaths) remain in a plateau phase with a slight tendency to However, the circulation of the virus still remains very high: the number of positives, probably underestimated, exceeds 1.2 million, the new daily cases remain over 50,000 and the positive rate of the swabs exceeds 15%. Consequently, abolishing the obligation to wear a mask in indoor venues is a very rash decision “, underlines Cartabellotta, commenting on the latest Gimbe report. According to Cartabellotta there are three reasons for not removing the obligation of devices:” First of all, in crowded and / or poorly ventilated the probability of contagion is very high; secondly, vaccination offers partial protection from infection; finally, there are millions of susceptible people, do not go away born or without booster – he warns – It is useful to reiterate that individual protection is maximized with the Ffp2 mask and not with the surgical one, which is not very effective against omicron “. Vaccine covid In Italy “4.2 million people are not vaccinated and 2 million without a third dose”. This was revealed by the monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation in the week of 13-19 April. “As of April 20, 6.89 million people have not received even a dose of the vaccine, of which 2.69 million are temporarily protected as they have been cured of Covid-19 for less than 180 days: there are therefore about 4 people currently vaccinated. , 2 million “, the Foundation specifies. According to data from the Gimbe Foundation, the” fourth dose was administered only to 1 immunocompromised in 10 “there was” a muted departure (0.7%) for the additional 4, 4 million “. “That the vaccination campaign is now at stake – says Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation – is a fact, despite 4.2 million people vaccinated with a first dose and 2 million with a booster dose. Vaccination coverage rates, in fact , in the last month they have registered negligible increases “.