Covid Italia, Pregliasco: “Today boom of infections? Weekend knots come to roost”

“I am not surprised by the boom in” covid “infections recorded today” in Italy. “The knots of the weekend are coming to a head. We have to grit our teeth.” So at the Adnkronos Salute virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan, comments on the boom in infections recorded today by the national bulletin: 99,848 with 205 deaths. Numbers ever so high since the beginning of February with a positivity rate that rises to 16.4%. Are we facing a peak for the Easter holidays? “It is still early to say, we are close to the holidays and it takes about ten days to be sure”, he replies. According to Pregliasco behind these numbers “there is the high diffusivity of Omicron 2 and the greater freedoms we are experiencing”. With these numbers so high, is it correct to abolish the obligation to wear a mask outdoors in May? “I would say no,” he admonishes.