Prevention of Rotavirus disease in Sicily, the importance of vaccination for #unapreoccupationin less

One case per minute, about 27,000 per month, more than 400,000 children affected every year: these are the numbers in Italy of Rotavirus gastroenteritis. A very common but little known disease that affects children under the age of five, often within the first year of life, causing diarrhea, fever, vomiting and dehydration, with symptoms so severe that they even require hospitalization. Since there is no antiviral therapy for Rotavirus infection, the vaccine remains the only true method currently available to prevent these consequences. Hence the importance of letting families know how this disease can be effectively prevented through vaccination. A simple gesture that protects the child by ensuring # unapreoccupazionedimeno. These are the topics that will be discussed on Wednesday 20 April, at 3 pm, on the occasion of the round table “Prevention of Rotavirus disease in Sicily: the importance of vaccination for #unapreoccupazionesseno” Participants in the meeting: Francesco Vitale, Ordinary of General and Applied Hygiene at the University of Palermo and Head of Clinical Epidemiology Unit with Cancer Registry AOUP Palermo; Alessandro Arco, Director of the Neonatology Unit at the G. Martino University Hospital of Messina; Giuseppe Vella, pediatrician of free choice and Fimp regional secretary; and Antonino Gulino, pediatrician of free choice.The event will be broadcast in live streaming on the Facebook page and on the Adnkronos YouTube channel, as well as on the website, starting at 3 pm on Wednesday April.