‘Voices from the heart’, in a podcast stories of heart failure

Listening to one’s heart, especially when it suddenly appears tired from heart failure, is the invitation of the second podcast of ‘Voices for health’, a space that ‘Allies for health’ reserves for the dialogue of different guests, including doctors, researchers, caregivers. , startuppers and influencers for a useful and true insight into well-being. On the often unexpected discovery of heart failure, the scientific journalist and medical doctor Silvia Bencivelli opens a dialogue with Maria Rosaria Di Somma, counselor of Aisc (Italian Heart Failure Association), and Domenico Barillà, Adlerian psychotherapist and analyst. The heart, an involuntary muscle, that is, that beats regardless of our will, gets tired over the years and, no longer pumping blood throughout the body with the same vigor, causes a condition known as decompensation. This disease, also known as heart failure, is a chronic progressive disease that mainly affects people over 65 and is often accompanied by other chronic conditions. Di Somma, as a caregiver, talks about the difficult obstacle course taken in taking care of a loved one with heart failure, but also the added value of an association that helps to learn about the disease and to put the patient and his family back at the center of care. It is often discovered that you suffer from heart failure in the emergency room: the warning symptoms are usually underestimated, not listened to, because they are little known. Heart failure is an unpredictable disease affecting a muscle which, working independently, is a bit rebellious, and forces you to deal with uncertainty and other various non-secondary aspects of life, which it focuses on with depth and concreteness the Barillà psychotherapist. The ‘Voices from the heart’ podcast, to learn more about the muscle that beats life in the whole organism, is available on the Allies for health website, but also on the main listening platforms such as Spotify.

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