Vaccini Italia, Rasi: “From June I think about open day”

Formulas such as the vaccine open days, during which to offer the anti-Covid ‘shield’ with different schemes than those followed so far in Italy, and with particular attention paid to adolescents. Imagine that “from June” the country could enter a new phase of the anti-Coronavirus immunization campaign Guido Rasi, former executive director of the Ema drug agency, today consultant to the coronavirus emergency commissioner and scientific director of the education provider continues in medicine Healthcare In-Training, Consulcesi group. “I am thinking of two parallel strategies”, explains the expert, ordinary microbiologist at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in an interview with Adnkronos Salute: “While the correct indication now is to proceed in an orderly fashion by age group”, looking in the near future “we can also imagine open days once the population at risk has been immunized, therefore when the 60-69 age group has also been made safe or is well on its way to that goal”. If so far, therefore, the campaign has been fundamentally carried out by reservation, “from that moment it will be possible to think of strategies such as open days”. A month, that of June, indicated by Rasi not by chance. By then, in fact, it is expected that there will also be a vaccine approved for teenagers. If today under the age of 16 there are no products authorized against Covid-19, in the coming months a European ok could arrive for Pfizer / BioNTech even in 12-15 year olds. And the former Ema number one invites you to plan now: “An absolutely strategic reasoning will be that of the pediatric population, on which it will be good to start a strategic reflection shortly. The 12-18 year olds will be a key population”, assures Rasi.