Vaccine Covid Lazio, from May 17 recall Pfizer at 35 days

“Starting from Monday May 17, the Pfizer vaccine boosters will be extended to 5 weeks, or 35 days”. This was announced by the Covid crisis unit of the Lazio Region. “All interested parties will be notified in advance via SMS – he informs in a note – and the extension, taking into account the recommendations of the Technical Scientific Committee (CTS) and the Commissioner Structure, will allow an increase in the audience of the first doses of Pfizer vaccine starting already from the current month, or by causing an increase in population coverage. No changes, however, at the moment, for all other vaccines “. “By way of example – clarifies the Crisis Unit – whoever had to call Pfizer on May 17 will always do so in the same place and at the same time on May 31, and so on”.