Outdoor mask, mandatory stop? What the experts say

Compulsory mask outdoors, time to say enough to the anti-covid protection device or rather a (probable) extension in Cdm to the measure also for the white area? To answer are the experts. But among virologists, infectious diseases and CTS members, the opinions are not all the same. “It is true we are in a phase of improvement” of the Covid pandemic, “but we have not got out of it. There is a desire to be already out of it, but in reality we are not yet and I think it can be useful to keep these indications” . Thus the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the Milan State University. “Italy has always had a prudent attitude – reminds the doctor at Adnkronos Salute – it is clear that the obligation to wear a mask may seem ridiculous if you are in the mountains or in a remote country, but the general indication – underlines the expert – it is in urban contexts where you enter and leave a shop or in other situations where you end up handling things badly “. For this reason, he reiterates, “in this phase of transition I would still see the need to swallow this bitter medicine”.

“Today we need a total simplification of the measures. Enough with the ‘tampon factory’, if I am at home positive and asymptomatic after 5 days I can go out without having a tampon. Today the outdoor mask has no sense, common sense is also needed in this case if there are situations of gathering it must be kept, otherwise no “, says the director of the Inmi Spallanzani of Rome, Francesco Vaia, guest of the Roman high school Mamiani for a debate with the journalist Corrado Formigli and the students. Streaming meeting because the Roman high school has classes in Dad from today. For schools, “thinking about constantly changing the air by opening the windows seems absurd” “always the mask for students in the classroom. In a modern country, greater commitment is needed. We have verified that mechanical ventilation in the classroom is three times more effective than the Ffp2 mask, I have long ago asked for an intervention from the Government and I continue to do so: a Marshall plan is needed for schools to make them safe with ventilation systems “. outdoors? According to Matteo Bassetti, director of the ‘San Martino’ Infectious Diseases Clinic in Genoa, “we can’t take it anymore, let’s throw it away! France – he explained to Libero – abolishes it on Tuesday. In the UK they have barely seen it. They also abandoned it in much of Spain. I don’t see why Italy should continue. If in the next 2-3 weeks the contagion and hospitalization data continue to drop, it will be time to abandon the limitations, at least the most bizarre ones. Many laws are made exclusively to protect those who write them, and not the citizens. Maybe not even the legulei themselves understand them. “” In the next few months we will hardly do without the mask indoors. We need awareness of being within a pandemic. You have to get used to moments in which to close ranks and others in which to feel freer. Politics must be more timely in making decisions “, underlines Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, who spoke at ‘Italia s’è westa’, on Radio Cusano Campus. It is time to make some changes to the rules for Fabio Ciciliano, doctor and exponent of the CTS, but with caution, he explains in an interview with the ‘Giornale’. The outdoor masks “let’s keep them a little longer. We are still in winter, the mask is not a devastating limitation of our freedom. Viral circulation is still very high due to Omicron and we count many infections every day. We are in a phase of regression, it is true, but the masks are not invasive and personally I would keep them until the end of the state of emergency “, he underlines.

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