Covid, Hope: “More than one in 2 Italians received the first vaccine dose”

“The vaccination campaign is the real lever to close this dramatic phase of the battle against Covid and the vaccine is and remains the fundamental weapon. Even yesterday we made about 540 thousand and today more than one in two Italians had the first dose” . This was underlined by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in his speech at the presentation in Rome of the Censis-Janssen research ‘The health sites of the future’, at the CNEL headquarters. “The battle against Covid is a battle that we must not yet consider won – he said – because there are still open questions such as the game of variants. But the numbers speak for themselves: in Italy until a few weeks ago we had 3,800 places in intensive care while today those numbers have dropped by 90%, as have the number of beds occupied in the medical area, reduced to 10% from 30 thousand beds in the medical area “.” The most dramatic figure is those who lose their lives and until it is zero in all the Regions the battle will not be won, but even on that front the figure has dropped significantly and this has been possible thanks to the gradual and prudent approach that I strongly claim and that has allowed us to govern a transition phase ” , still declared Speranza.