Porrini (Roche): “Our mission is research and awareness”

“I am very happy to have been able to give life to the fourth edition of the awareness campaign ‘Let’s redesign haemophilia’, because it is an opportunity that allows us to give voice to both sides of our mission: on the one hand therapeutic research and other information and awareness raising activities “. To say this at the end of the webinar dedicated to the initiative was Anna Maria Porrini, medical director of Roche Italia, who then went on to explain how this rare disease actually affects many people. “Our commitment in the field of haemophilia – he underlined – derives from the awareness that, despite being a rare disease, many more people are involved in the disease: parents, family members and partners of patients play very important roles. in the management of haemophilia. In this fourth edition we wanted to give space above all to free time, rather than to the clinic, because we believe that it is above all in free time that the patient must rediscover himself first of all as a person, weaving relationships, traveling, doing sports and not giving up on nothing because of the disease or the fears triggered by it “.