The third episode of “Tale e Quali Show” was won by Dennis Fantina, who conquered everyone with a masterful interpretation of “Una rosa blu” by Michele Zarrillo. Following, Stefania Orlando in the role of Mina and Deborah Johnson who played Amii Stewart. In the episode broadcast tomorrow starting at 21.25, live from the Fabrizio Frizzi television studios in Rome, however, Francesca Alotta will be Adele, Deborah Johnson will play the role of Diana Ross, Federica Nargi will identify with Daniela Goggi, Stefania Orlando will imitate Anna Oxa, Alba Parietti will have the appearance of Guesch Patti, Dennis Fantina will try the encore with Fausto Leali, the Guidonia twins will try with the Rich and Poor, Biagio Izzo will remember Carmen Miranda, Simone Montedoro will identify himself in Peppino di Capri, Pierpaolo Pretelli will transform into Clementino and Ciro Priello in Marco Mengoni. The provisional ranking of the 11 artists, who always sing live, sees Deborah Johnson in the lead, on a par with the Guidonia Gemini, followed by Francesca Alotta. Also in this eleventh edition the program is confirming itself as the leader of the prime time on Friday evening with booming ratings and really important social interactions. And also this week “Tale e Quali Show”, the flagship variety of Rai1 conducted by Carlo Conti and produced in collaboration with Endemol Shine ltaly, will be full of emotion and fun, with the 11 protagonists (exactly 13, taking into account of the “trio” of the Gemelli di Guidonia) that will give life to formidable imitations of the big names of national and international music, to be interpreted “as they are” both from a musical and stylistic point of view. Everyone’s goal? Climb to the top of the leaderboard. Like? Convincing the jury composed of Loretta Goggi, Giorgio Panariello, Cristiano Malgioglio and a fourth surprise judge. But you will also have to convince your fellow adventurers, since as always each artist will have the opportunity to participate in the voting, giving their preference to the colleague they want to reward (without forgetting the possibility of ‘self-voting’). One month after the double success against Luxembourg and Montenegro, Italy Under 21 returns to the field to resume the qualification process for the final phase of the European category, scheduled for June 2023 in Romania and Georgia. The Azzurrini will be engaged tomorrow, in the afternoon, away to Bosnia and Herzegovina and on Tuesday 12th, in Monza, against Sweden, in the match that is worth the primacy of group F, led by the Scandinavians, 7 points in 3 games, 1 advantage over the team. Italy which, however, has only played two matches. The coach Nicolato has called up twenty-seven players for the double engagement, and is confident in particular in the excellent moment of form of Lorenzo Lucca, the giant of Pisa (two meters high) who is leading to the sound of goals, six in the first seven days, the Nerazzurri from Tuscany leading the Serie B championship. Bosnia Herzegovina-Italy, scheduled in Zenica at 5.30 pm, will be broadcast live on Rai2, with commentary from Luca De Capitani and Katia Serra. “The clothes speak. Always. who we are and who we want to appear to. A dress can be like a blackboard on which we can write and draw, words and signs, to tell part of our story “: fashion according to Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, professor of Medieval History and History of Fashion at the ‘University of Bologna. A “lesson” that – from the Middle Ages in which everything begins to the recent manifesto dress of the American deputy Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez – opens the episode of “#maestri”, the Rai Cultura program conducted by to Edoardo Camurri and produced in collaboration between Rai and the Ministry of Education, broadcast tomorrow at 15.25 on Rai3 and at 17.50 on Rai Storia. In the second part of the program, Fulvio Ricci, professor of General Physics at the Sapienza University of Rome, explains what gravitational waves are and how their study will reveal some mysteries of the universe, such as the explosion of supernovae and what took place in the first moments after the Big Bang.The Art Night of Rai5, Tiepolo between Udine and Vicenza The works of Tiepolo, realized in the Archbishop’s Palace in Udine, at Palazzo Labia in Venice and Villa Valmarana in Vicenza: the new stage of the trip by Tomaso Montanari in the series “The abysses of Tiepolo”, broadcast tomorrow at 9.15 pm on Rai5. There is a line of continuity that runs through the history of art: if Caravaggio was celebrated as the new Giorgione, Tiepolo presents himself as the new Veronese. This is what happens in the Archbishop’s Palace in Udine where the painter tries his hand, around 1727, with stories from the Old Testament. In the party hall of the seventeenth-century Palazzo Labia, Tiepolo tells instead “The stories of Antonio and Cleopatra” in two scenes, putting Paolo Veronese’s clothes and dinners back on the bill. At Villa Valmarana, on the outskirts of Vicenza, on the other hand, it collects the indications of the client to tell ancient and recent stories: the Iliad, the Aeneid, the Orlando Furioso and La Gerusalemme liberata. “Gli abissi di Tiepolo” is a program by Tomaso Montanari directed by Luca Criscenti, photography Francesco Lo Gullo, editing Emanuele Redondi, music Ginevra Nervi, initials Massimiliano Cecchini. Following, “Art Night” proposes the documentary “Leoncillo: a flame that still burns” by Simona Fasulo, dedicated to the artist Leoncillo Leonardi. Long neglected by the market, Leoncillo only in 2018 was consecrated by two important international auctions. A complex personality, a man who has dedicated his entire life to art and who, thanks to his dense and painful sculptures, has remained faithful to poor materials such as clay and ceramics.A group of teenagers locked in the middle of a labyrinth inhabited by monsters and the need to escape to understand what happened to the real world. This is the plot of the first captain of the “Maze Runner” trilogy taken from the books of James Dashner. Tomorrow at 9.20 pm Rai4 (digital terrestrial channel 21) will broadcast “Maze Runner – The labyrinth”, a film directed by Wes Ball and starring the idols of teen-agers Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario and Will Poulter. To follow, the visionary talent of Guillermo Del Toro in the last season of the fanta-horror series “The Strain”. Episodes 1 and 2 of the fourth season will be broadcast for the first time: drones, robots, artificial intelligence, technological innovations capable of improving people’s lives. These will be the topics of “Tg2 Italia”, the column conducted by Marzia Roncacci, in the episode broadcast tomorrow at 10 on Rai2, on the occasion of the Maker Faire in Rome, the great European event on innovation. Professor Bruno Siciliano, professor of Automatics at the Federico II University of Naples, was guest in the studio. Following, the usual sections “Settegiorni”, on the facts, dates and curiosities of the week commented by the journalist of the Messenger Giusy Franzese, and “Itineraries”, with tourist offers for the weekend. “The Bolshoi Dancer”, on Rai Movie The story of Yulia, a young woman with an innate talent for dance, is told in the film “The Bolshoi Dancer”, directed by Valeri Todorovsky with Margarita Simonova, Alisa Freyndlikh and Valentina Telichkina and broadcast on Rai Movie (digital terrestrial channel 24) tomorrow at 21.10. Coming from a small mining town, Yulia desires more than anything else to become a professional dancer and perform in Moscow’s famous Bolshoi Theater. When he finally enters a prestigious ballet academy, however, his life suddenly changes. Suddenly, she finds herself facing one challenge after another and dealing with the exaggerated competitiveness of her companions. As if that weren’t enough, to make her dream come true, Julia has to give up the things that are dear to her, such as her family, friends and the love of her life. The four years preceding the start of hostilities between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Great War up to the first battles between the two states, just after the date of May 24, 1915, through parallel stories of Austrians and Italians : “La via della guerra” retraces them, broadcast tomorrow at 10.10 pm on Rai Storia. Through the story of the life of figures similar to each other, but placed on opposite sides, the documentary aims to give an overview of the reasons and feelings that led to the war. The nature of the entire project is particular due to its transnational approach: in fact, the theme of the First World War has rarely been tackled through a narrative that involves both communities involved in the battle equally and uniformly. episode of “La Banda dei FuoriClasse”, broadcast tomorrow, at 3.30 pm, live on Rai Gulp (channel 42 of digital terrestrial) and on RaiPlay. In the studio, with the conductor Mario Acampa, there will be the pharmaceutical chemist Sharon Spizzichino who, as usual, will show the world through the microscope: in this episode she will explain how neurons are made and will also talk about the circulatory system. The popularizer of the day will be cardiologist Davide Terranova, who will answer the question: how does the heart beat? Amalia Ercoli Finzi will conclude her cycle of interventions talking about “curiosity”, with a survey and a test to be answered through the QR code and links. Kids can write to the editors through Instagram.
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