Milva, daughter, donates portrait to the Umberto Mastroianni Foundation

The permanent collection of the Umberto Mastroianni Foundation welcomes a new work. It is a portrait of Milva, a bronze made in 1994/95, donated by Martina Corgnati, daughter of the artist who died last spring and a member of the scientific committee. The work, from Saturday 9 October, will be added to the Foundation’s patrimony to enrich the exhibition itinerary and allow you to deepen the complexity of one of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century. The construction of the image, the dialectical relationship between closed and open form find in the compactness of the structure an admirable plastic balance, while the facial features in the richness of the material are animated by a surprising plastic rhythm. What is interesting is not the physiognomic fidelity but the restitution of a beauty full of energy, in which the purely plastic meaning of the work is combined with the strength of a woman who has been able to transform the history of the Italian show, declining the song with great naturalness popular and author theater. The completion of the donation will be an opportunity for some moments of reflection and study dedicated to Mastroianni and Milva. The President of the Andrea Chietini Foundation and the Director Loredana Rea express great satisfaction and gratitude towards Corgnati: “Thanks to the generous donation of Martina Corgnati, the permanent collection of the works of Umberto Mastroianni of the Foundation is enriched with a unique an extraordinary artistic value, has a high iconographic value representative of one of the greatest protagonists of Italian music, theater and culture who has trod the greatest stages in the world: Milva “. “The ceremony on Saturday 9 October at 5 pm will represent the formalization of the acquisition of the ‘Portrait of Milva’ from the patrimony and the first ever opportunity for public display of this extraordinary work of art. We want to express to Martina the profound gratitude of the Umberto Mastroianni Foundation for the significant gesture of great generosity and sensitivity, as well as for the affection and attachment shown towards the Foundation itself, the Province of Frosinone and the City of Arpino “, Rea said. On Saturday the ceremony will be opened by the greetings of the President Andrea Chietini, the Mayor of the City of Arpino Renato Rea and the President of the Province Antonio Pompeo, the works will continue with the interventions and contributions of Loredana Rea, Director of the Mastroianni Foundation, Franco Marrocco, member of the Scientific Committee of the Mastroianni Foundation and teacher of the Brera Academy, Martina Corgnati, art historian member of Scientific Committee of the Mastroianni Foundation and professor of the Brera Academy, finally by Fabrizio Casinelli, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations of Rai Com.