Art, Nicosia: “‘Roma Arte in Nuvola’ fills a void, the city has been missing a fair for 11 years”

A large exhibition-market that fills a void that is registered not only in Rome but also throughout the Central South. A varied cultural offer that combines modern and contemporary art, presenting galleries from the North of the country and from abroad. which is flanked by about thirty works of art created by international and Italian artists. It is all this ‘Roma Arte in Nuvola’, which avails itself of the curatorship of the art historian Adriana Polveroni and the general direction of Alessandro Nicosia, which will take place in the capital from 18 to 21 November at the Nuvola di Fuksas. The event, which will be presented tomorrow at the Temple of Hadrian at 11.30, will have Israel as a host country. The exhibition-market, Nicosia assures him speaking with AdnKronos, will be “a great surprise for Rome because there is no such thing. We fill a void because the city has not had a modern and contemporary art fair for 11 years. Since then there is no art fair under Bologna, we want to recover this great space that Rome also offers us for the South. The prospect is long since we have signed an agreement with Ente Eur for five years “. In short, the declared objective is to transform this event into the reference pole of collecting in central and southern Italy. “The galleries of the North – Nicosia says – have all answered because there is a great desire and expectation in Rome. . Also because, in the last ten years, the city has grown a lot in the field of contemporary art. The response of collectors, especially those from the North but also international ones, is total: everyone wants to come to Rome because it is a unique city in the world. world”. The event finally arrives at the starting blocks after being stopped by Covid: it was initially scheduled “for May 2020 and then for May 2021. For this second date we were unable to proceed because the Vaccinal Center was installed in the Cloud. . Arriving at the final result, and completing the product, was really heavy. But my initial objectives have been achieved: first of all that of having an important number of galleries. We have, in fact, a hundred of great quality among modern art. and contemporary “, argues Nicosia. Going into detail, Nicosia highlights the unusual and interesting aspects of the event. One of the results he tried to pursue “was to propose a different offer, placing around thirty exhibits, that is installations, just over half of contemporary works and the remainder of classical works close to the galleries. appreciated by everyone because I have a goal: to have a great art festival, respecting the quality, which allows different targets to be involved. Not only collectors or people who can buy from galleries but also people who can identify with a integrated art offer “. “The visitor – anticipates the director – will arrive at the Nuvola and will find the galleries, which obviously are the core business of the operation, but will also find 30 installations by international artists and very important Italians. All this with a series of goodies including the presence of Israel as host country of the first edition. It will present 18 contemporary artists who, in addition to setting trends, are avant-garde. There is a significant presence of Fuksas not only because he made the logo of the event but also because there is one of his ‘island’ in which he presents a series of projects, paintings, preparatory drawings of how he reads his creature, that is the Cloud “, highlights the director. Not only that: to further enrich the offer of the initiative, Nicosia recalls,” there is also a talk program, one for the morning and one for the evening, with personalities from the art world and editors of magazines “. In short, the exhibition-market will be “a great surprise for Rome because there is no such thing. All of this obviously is helped by the container, or the Cloud, which lends itself in an extraordinary way to present art”, he concludes.

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