Miss World Italy, Claudia Motta: “First I bring my country to the top and then I become a magistrate”

Claudia Motta, 21, with the tricolor crown of Miss World Italy still fresh on her head, is “determined” to make her country win the final in Puerto Rico on December 16 and thus become Miss World: “Italy – converses with Adnkronos – is one of the most complete countries in the world: art, history, cuisine. Culture is its heart, its strong point. I am proud to represent it in the world. And I aim for victory “. Third year of law, talented in dance (she is enrolled at the National Academy of Rome), with work experience in the field of fashion and television (she is ‘the guardian angel’ in the show by Piero Chiambretti ‘Tiki Taka’), Claudia Motta she is fascinated by these worlds “because she feels she is living another life, another dimension”, but she points straight to a career with a different sign: “My dream is to become a magistrate. And when I cultivate a goal, I almost succeed always. My motto is ‘Your direction is more important than your speed’. And I know where I want to go, what I want to accomplish. I am a 360 degree person and I want to be perceived as a complete being, not just a beautiful girl , but a person with his own interests and goals “. What if a girl who has won such an important title in the field of beauty becomes a magistrate? “Well, besides my dream come true, clichés would break.” There is little time left for the elections that call 1,342 Italian municipalities to the polls and Claudia Motta is from Velletri, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Roma Capitale in Lazio. The question makes its way by itself. Is there a party you trust for 3-4 October? “I don’t have a reference party in the sense that I don’t sympathize with any particular party. I will choose the person who I believe can be good for Italy.” So will you vote anyway? “Being a Law student (Claudia is in her third year, ed) I know how important it is to vote and I will always exercise this right and duty of mine”. Claudia Motta is young, she doesn’t show too much enthusiasm for politics, but for the society in which she lives. And there is a theme that is very close to her heart. “Femicide in Italy is a social emergency. Unfortunately it must be said: Italy is far behind in this regard. The law still does not protect women and I believe that it needs to be updated, changed”. Daughter of two officials of the Ministry of the Interior, graduating in Law, with excellent English ‘in her pocket’ and developing German, Miss Mondo Italia knows her stuff, but does not hide the more delicate sides: “A positive aspect of me is that I know what I want and I work hard to make it happen. A less positive or rather more fragile aspect is that I am very sensitive. I trust too much in general. And I often feel very bad about the behavior of people I have placed in trust. Perhaps because of my way of being, I experienced a great disappointment in love “. Claudia Motta, after this sorrow, has been a bit shielded, but what she cares about most remains the human depth: “I want to leave a mark with what I have inside, with a smile, with the interests that I cultivate. One thing anyway now it is clear to me: I can really trust only my family and very few friends; they can really be counted on the fingers of one hand. Friendship is also a deep feeling and cannot be wasted on anyone “. In light of this disappointment, what makes the difference, then, in love? “The fact that a person is by your side even in bad times. From there you understand if they really care about you or not.” (by Veronica Marino)

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