Cinema and theater capacity, Siae: “Insufficient and unjustified CTS decisions”

The decisions taken by the Technical Scientific Committee regarding the increase of the capacity of the entertainment venues between 75% and 80% “are insufficient and frankly not objectively motivated”. This was stated in a note by Siae, the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, underlining that “paradoxically in Italy we have the highest number of vaccinated people in Europe and the most restrictive measures. Currently, in fact, the percentage of people at least partially protected from the coronavirus is around ’83, 24% while 77.99% are fully vaccinated. We were told that with these percentages we reached herd immunity. What has changed? “. Read also “As our president Giulio Rapetti Mogol says we do not want to die ‘healthy’. This is why we reiterate our invitation to sign the appeal on which in a few days has already reached about 15 thousand signatures. An entire sector , that of the culture, entertainment and entertainment industry risks being canceled, especially with reference to those sectors (music, concerts, discos and dance clubs) that do not live on public contributions. It is now a real and close risk and to understand it a little common sense would be enough “.” Surprising in this sense are the statements by the President of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces Massimiliano Fedriga and the Coordinator of the Culture Commission of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces Ilaria Cavo because oxygen ‘which they refer to is exclusively for the benefit of sectors that have always made their living from public contributions “, concludes SIAE.

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