Fiorello reopens newsstand on social media, running in for the return

Rosario Fiorello is back on social media, after two years of absence, to start with a direct Instagram from a bar in his neighborhood in the company of 4 friends, the running in of the return of his newsstand, with the renewed format of ‘Viva Rai2’, from 5 December . The running-in period will soon arrive on RaiPlay while from 5 December the actual program will light up on Rai2, from 7 to 8.30. “After years we are back live on Instagram: we have to train because from December 5 we start on Rai. We are here as umarell”, jokes Fiorello, borrowing the Milanese definition of old men who watch construction sites. Read also The press review with the reading of the newspapers opens with football (“the Neapolitans are happy, the Inter fans are happy, the Milan fans are happy, the Juventus a little less”) and does not spare satire on the new government: “We are very happy with some of the government’s choices: cash, 10 thousand euro ceiling. Here we all celebrated, today we came to the bar each with 10,000 euro wads, we pulled out all our blacks “. Then he jokes about the photos of Meloni chosen by the newspapers: “Look at the face they put on Meloni! Here he could bark. The newspapers that are not very governmental choose the ugliest photos of their so to speak, in quotation marks, enemies”. “Someone wrote to me: why don’t you talk about Tg1?”, Fiorello then says, returning to the controversy raised by the newspaper’s journalists against the hypothesis of a landing of his program on Rai1 which would have taken away space from ‘Tg1Mattina’. “Friends, friends of Tg1”, merely adds the showman, ending the controversy that led to the choice of Rai2 for his morning show. Jokes also on the article that tells of the Pope’s reprimand on the viewing of porn videos by nuns and priests: “It can’t be like this. Let’s say that priests and nuns look, they can look but to evangelize, for educational purposes. In my opinion they look at the home movies, they are looking for people to say ‘don’t do these things’. The Pope says that the devil comes through these sites “. Fiorello dedicates a dig, before closing, also to Pfizer, which “a few million dollars with vaccines will have earned it”. “This is a preview: from 5 December we will be on Rai. For now we are four, but we will become many and we will go to via Asiago”, he concludes, greeting Fiorello.