Rai world / Events and news

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi will be a guest at “Porta a Porta”, broadcast tomorrow at 11.30pm on Rai 1. After the political page, Bruno Vespa will open one dedicated to the history of this country: the 100th anniversary of the March on Rome. In the studio, historians and journalists. Tomorrow at 9.20 pm on Rai 2, ‘Che’è di Nuovo’, the program conducted by Ilaria D’Amico and conceived by Alessandro Sortino. At the center of the first episode, the war, with an exclusive report from Russia, and the first government led by a woman. Guests of the evening Ferruccio de Bortoli, Maurizio Landini, Guido Maria Brera and Kim Rossi Stuart. Ilaria D’Amico’s travel companions will be Valentina Petrini, Gerardo Greco, Stefano Zurlo and Francesco Giubilei. The new episode of “Amore Criminale”, the program conducted by Emma D’Aquino aired tomorrow, at 21.25 on Rai 3. The one between Alessandra and the ex-partner is the encounter between two fragile souls, who seek comfort and consolation in each other. Alessandra carries on her the pain both for the separation of the parents and for the end of a love relationship. The ex-partner is a lonely boy, he lives at home with his blind mother, has no friends and has never had a love affair. For him, Alessandra is the first girl who “looks” at him and she notices him. The beauty of the first meeting and the desire to live together soon vanish and give way to daily difficulties. There are frequent tensions between them, especially due to the precarious economic conditions in which they live. Both boys do not have stable jobs, the money they manage to put together is scarce. He turns out to be jealous and possessive, he often checks Alessandra’s cell phone and social accounts, begins to suspect that her first great love has returned to the girl’s life, the man Alessandra has never been able to forget. On the evening of March 6, 2019, at the height of a discussion carried on throughout the day, Alessandra brings into the house the man who wants an answer to her suspicions. The situation worsened. He grabs her and puts his hands around her neck, squeezes her tight and suffocates her. He then leaves the girl’s lifeless body lying on the bathroom floor and quickly walks away from the apartment. The next morning it will be Alessandra’s father who will find the lifeless body of her daughter. Alessandra’s ex-partner is arrested and sent to trial for the murder of the girl, he will be sentenced – in the first instance – to life imprisonment. He is currently awaiting the appeal sentence. The whole story was reconstructed with a docu-fiction. The broadcast is made with the collaboration of the Carabinieri and the State Police.The cinematographic Rigoletto signed at La Scala da Martone on Rai5 The new production of Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto that the Teatro alla Scala in Milan presented is signed by Mario Martone last June, and which Rai Cultura proposes tomorrow at 9.15 pm in the first TV on Rai5. Active in opera, prose and cinema (his latest film, “Nostalgia”, with Pierfrancesco Favino, represents Italy in the race for the next Oscars), with this show Martone has reached his week of Verona production, and precisely in second half of October with Fedora by Umberto Giordano his eighth show is staged at the Piermarini. “I think it is fundamental to return the violence that Verdi had in mind – declared Martone – for this reason I would like to immediately recognize a clear division between the world of the Duke and the world of the outcasts. Inspired by Bong Joon-ho’s film Parasite, we thought of a revolving structure that will allow you to pass from a pleasant dimension of bourgeois well-being to one of slums ”. The show makes use of the sets by Margherita Palli, the costumes by Ursula Patzak and the lights by Pasquale Mari. On the podium stands Michele Gamba, one of the most appreciated new Italian conductors abroad, former assistant of Antonio Pappano and Daniel Barenboim and with a curriculum that includes Covent Garden, the Berlin Staatsoper, the Dresden Staatskapelle, the Opera di Tel Aviv, the Phoenix, the Maggio and the Rai Orchestra. The protagonist is the baritone Amartuvshin Enkhbat, who told the New York Times about this production: “I have sung the role of Rigoletto about 60 times, but this time at La Scala it intimidates and exalts me. I feel that the character brings out everything that is inside of me ”. With him, Nadine Sierra, who is a veteran of her recent triumph as Lucia di Lammermoor at the Metropolitan, draws a guild that is certainly a victim but also determined to take her fate in hand. The amoral Duke of Mantua has the ring of Piero Pretti. Marina Viotti is one of the mezzosoprano emerging in recent years and embodies Maddalena. Gianluca Buratto puts his deep and dark voice at the service of a Sparafucile who inhabits the streets of a city of today. Vocal power and extraordinary acting skills characterize Fabrizio Beggi’s Monterone. The Teatro alla Scala Chorus is directed by Maestro Alberto Malazzi. In Nassau, the “capital” of piracy, things change: the emerging “Black Sam” Bellamy takes over after a democratic vote and the deposed Hornigold joins the pirate Edward Thatch, who will soon be known by the nickname “Blackbeard”, to recover prestige and fortune. It is the new chapter of the series “The golden age of the pirates of the Caribbean”, broadcast tomorrow at 21.10 in first viewing on Rai Storia, with the introduction of Professor Alessandro Barbero, for “aCdC”. As pirates rebel against their old British masters by wreaking havoc in the lucrative and brutal slave trade, London’s financiers seek a solution. They are aimed at a very particular privateer, Captain Woodes Rogers. A man who lives for God and for revenge.Exactly 60 years ago, on October 27, 1962, the plane that took off in Catania and headed for Milan carrying Eni president Enrico Mattei crashed due to sabotage. This is the topic of the episode of “How many stories”, broadcast tomorrow at 12.45 on Rai 3, produced by Rai Cultura and hosted by Giorgio Zanchini. Who were the instigators of the killing? What is behind the death of one of the main protagonists of the postwar economic miracle? And what role did Eugenio Cefis, Mattei’s successor and protagonist of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s latest novel, play? Zanchini poses these and other questions to the journalist Giuseppe Oddi and the Italianist Riccardo Antoniani. , literary reportages, films and the unmissable ranking of books to be saved. The RaiPlay weekly for literature lovers returns to the Rai platform from tomorrow to talk, this time, about the curative power of books. Among the guests: Massimo Recalcati, who recounts his journey through the Bible in search of the power of the word; Marco Conidi who, in the first of four dedicated events, talks about the original Raiplay Sound podcast “I was the Milanese” by Mauro Pescio; and the writer Fernanda Trias with her novel “Pink slime”. The space dedicated to graphic novels hosts “Learn to fall” by Mikael Ross, while the philosopher Ilaria Gaspari tells the story of Arthur Schnitzler’s Vienna. Claudio Morici instead focuses on the life of the writer Daniel Schreber and the poet Gianni Montieri interprets the verses taken from his intense “We will care”. Vittorio Castelnuovo’s interview, available in the “Extra” section, is with Barbara Alberti, a refined screenwriter and author who over the years has paved the way for many writers, without ever giving up attention to reality and its changes. London and New York are the first cities to become metropolis: he describes them as “Amsterdam, London, New York. Three cities to conquer the world ”, broadcast tomorrow at 10.10 pm on Rai Storia for“ aCdC ”with the introduction by Professor Alessandro Barbero. Technological development, the demographic explosion, prefabricated buildings, the lift, the first skyscrapers: the advances of civilization and at the same time the most extreme forms of poverty, hardship and pollution are experienced in the two metropolises. But the urban planning of tomorrow is also born and the very idea of ​​a new type of urban planning. One of the main dramatic junctions of Verdi’s “La traviata”: the Violetta-Germont duet. Riccardo Muti analyzes it in “A lesson at opera from Maestro Muti”, broadcast tomorrow at 4.45pm on Rai 5. From the duet, Muti then moves on to the expressive peak of “Amami Alfredo” and the musical examples on the piano alternate with accompanied performances from the orchestra. Maestro Muti concludes the episode by underlining the importance, for anyone intending to approach Italian opera, of knowing the culture of our country, even in a broader sense than strictly musical.