Rai world / Events and news

Simona Izzo and Ricky Tognazzi, one of the most beloved couples in Italian cinema, will be “dancers for a night” in the new appointment with “Dancing with the stars”, the show hosted by Milly Carlucci live from the Rai Auditorium of the Foro Italico tomorrow ale 20.35 on Rai 1. They will have to learn in a short time a choreography created specifically for the occasion, thus facing the jury led by Carolyn Smith with Guillermo Mariotto, Fabio Canino, Ivan Zazzaroni and Selvaggia Lucarelli. The jury will also have to evaluate the progress of the VIPs in the competition on the dance floor. These are the couples who will perform: Iva Zanicchi – Samuel Peron; Paola Barale – Roly Maden; Luisella Costamagna – Pasquale La Rocca; Rosanna Banfi – Simone Casula; Ema Stokholma – Angelo Madonia; Gabriel Garko – Giada Lini; Enrico Montesano – Alessandra Tripoli; Giampiero Mughini – Veera Kinnunen; Dario Cassini – Lucrezia Lando; Alex Di Giorgio – Moreno Porcu; Lorenzo Biagiarelli – Anastasia Kuzmina; Alessandro Egger – Tove Villfor. The couple made up of Marta Flavi – Simone Arena was eliminated in the last episode, but will have the opportunity to return to the race thanks to the repechage, on condition, however, to continue studying with commitment and constancy. To give a voice to the people from home, on the track, the anti-jury comments, composed by Rossella Erra, Sara Di Vaira and Simone Di Pasquale. They are entrusted with the task of rewarding the competitors penalized by the jury of experts. The presence of Alberto Matano, host of “Vita in Diretta” and custodian of the “treasure”, is unmissable. The final judgment on eliminations and promotions will always be up to the public from home who will have the opportunity to participate in the competition by voting for their favorite couples directly on social networks, from the official profiles of “Dancing with the stars”. All the musical moments of each single episode will be entrusted to Paolo Belli and his Big Band, who will accompany, live, the performance of the dancers to the rhythm of songs arranged according to the musical styles of each single competition. For all those who wish to have detailed information on the program, the program website is active: www.ballandoconlestelle.rai.it where it is possible to find information on VIPs, dance instructors, the jury and the individual episodes of the program. How is it possible that the great civilizations of the past have disappeared? Is it the fault of fate or of men themselves? Could our society of modern sapiens also suffer the same fate? These questions are the starting point of “Sapiens- One planet”, broadcast tomorrow at 9.45pm on Rai 3. Starting from the history of Selinunte, the magnificent Greek colony of Sicily, today the largest archaeological park in the Mediterranean, Mario Tozzi investigates on the field trying to understand how the ancient wars between Greeks, Sicilians, Carthaginians and Romans are intertwined with the movements of the earth, earthquakes triggered by a fault still active today, that of the Belice. The journey of “Sapiens” continues among the Mexican highlands with the story of Teotihuacan of the largest city in Mesoamerica, which for almost 2000 years has a mystery buried under its great pyramid about to be unraveled by an astonishing archaeological undertaking. During the episode Mario Tozzi tells other stories of historical collapses around the world: from the Polynesians of Easter Island to the Vikings in Greenland, from the Maya to the Etruscans, from the Anasazi of North America to the Mycenaeans. Appointment with “Tg2 Storie – Tales of the week” tomorrow at 11.45 pm on Rai 2. In the “Fire friendly” service the beauty and power of nature in the Stromboli eruption will be told: the sciara seen up close, reportage from the island of volcano, more admired than feared. in “Women in high altitude” he shows the point of view of Eleonora, from Rome to Abruzzo to manage the Sebastiani refuge, inaugurated on 22 October a century ago. There is no wi-fi but a window on life. “In the name of Gecco”, a service that leads to the shores of Lake Scandarello cleaned up and lived in by friends: it was the dream of one of the victims of the earthquake in Amatrice. Save her bees too. “One hundred days in the Tyrrhenian Sea” tells of a journey of love and culture on a sailing boat. The solo regatta of the sailor Davide Besan: the logbook in comics. With “At the bottom of the sea” you go to a depth of 37 meters, in the Cosquer cave which was reproduced near Marseille in 3D to make its rich historical testimonies accessible. “The envoy” celebrates a historical journalism professional: the journalist Vittorio Mangili has turned one hundred years old, who has told about wars, disasters and major events for Rai. To the young colleagues he says: do not be afraid. “The teacher kid” tells the story of Mario Pavone, three months ago graduated from the Technical Institute of Atri, now a teacher in the school he had attended. Finally, a show for Beppe Viola, words and thoughts of the sports chronicler who died 40 years ago brought to the stage by his old fellow travelers in Milan.Rai History, Middle Ages stories and legends – Rai5, great conductors The stories and legends of the Middle Ages , starting from the “black legend” that reduced the Middle Ages to an era of darkness. He tells her about the appointment with “The stories of the past and present” broadcast tomorrow at 20.30 on Rai Storia. The legend of the “dark” Middle Ages was born with the Renaissance and generated prejudices that have long been refuted by historians, but unlike what the humanists and their successors tell us, medieval society has reached important levels of technical and social progress. In the courts and monasteries of the early Middle Ages, for example, women enjoyed ample freedoms and positions of power. Instead, the conception that men of the Middle Ages had of nature is cloaked in legend, as the imaginary animals portrayed in the “bestiaries” demonstrate. The beginnings of his career, in 1907, his style in conducting and his friendship with Riccardo Muti: “Great conductors”, broadcast tomorrow at 20.05 on Rai 5, proposes a portrait of Vittorio Gui , through his own words. Gui describes his professional career through memories and anecdotes, and focuses, in particular, on the organization of the first edition of the Florentine Maggio Musicale. Among the interviews, those with the baritone Sesto Bruscantini and the soprano Edith Martelli on the managerial characteristics and personality of Gui; and to Riccardo Muti on the friendship with the teacher and on the interpretative differences between the two generations. Do not miss Gui on the podium with the Rai Symphony Orchestra of Turin in Wagner’s Idyll from “L’anello del Nibelungo”; with the pianist Christos Echenbach in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Concerto number 3 in C minor for piano and orchestra; and with the Orchestra Stabile of the Teatro Regio di Torino in the symphony “Il Turco in Italia” by Gioachino Rossini. The seventh art, or cinema, in all its forms is at the center of the new appointment with “Top everything is trendy” , the magazine run by Greta Mauro that explores news and trends in the field of fashion, design and made in Italy style, broadcast tomorrow at 3.00 pm on Rai 2. The analysis starts from fashion, through the costumes and accessories that dress the great characters, and from craftsmanship through the ancient craft of the “noise maker”. Also in the foreground is the biography of an icon of cinema and symbol of Italianness, Marcello Mastroianni. Finally, focus on the Rome Film Festival. Greta Mauro will be with Valeria Oppenheimer, Gloria Aura Bortolini, Bianca Luna Santoro, Francesco Gasparri, Marco Scorza, Elisa Scheffler, Elisa Silvestrin. “Saturday sport” and “Sunday sport” on Radio1 – Rai1, The story of “Jenny lo zio” In His Image It opens with the presentation signed by Emilio Mancuso of the Ski World Cup in Soelden at the starting line, the appointment of “Sabato sport”, hosted by Manuela Collazzo, broadcast on Saturday 22 at 14.00 on Rai Radio 1. At About 14.40, there will be the intervention of Renzo Ulivieri as testimonial of the Save The Children “Hunger Emergency” campaign to give therapeutic food, water and medical care to children whose life hangs by a thread. From 15.00, “All football minute by minute”, conducted by Massimiliano Graziani. In the lineup a Serie A match (Salernitana-Spezia) and five Serie B matches: Frosinone-Bari; Reggina-Perugia; Brescia-Venice; Spal-Cosenza and, from 4.15 pm, Ternana-Genoa. Unconnected fields: Como-Benevento and Sudtirol-Parma. At 18.00 the kick-off of the Milan-Monza advance (Massimo Barchiesi and Massimo Orlando). Following, the usual slow motion by Filippo Grassia. At 20.45 the starting whistle of Fiorentina-Inter (Daniele Fortuna and Sara Meini). In the last part of the broadcast, until closing at 11.30 pm, Filippo Grassia will answer the messages and phone calls from listeners. “Domenica sport”, hosted by Manuela Collazzo and broadcast on Sunday 23 October at 12.30, opens with the commentary by Emilio Mancuso of the first and second round of the men’s Giant Slalom for the Ski World Cup in Soelden. At the same time the Serie A match, Udinese-Turin, with the commentary of Giuseppe Bisantis and Sebastiano Franco. From 15.00, “All football minute by minute” conducted by Filippo Corsini. In the lineup a Serie A match (Bologna-Lecce) and two Serie B matches: from 4.15 pm, Palermo-Cittadella and Pisa-Modena. In the lineup the Super League of Volleyball with Modena-Milan at 15.30. At 18.00 the kick-off of the postponement of Serie A, Atalanta-Lazio (Diego Carmignani) and volleyball with Padova-Perugia. From 18.10 the Basketball Serie A will start with the match between Venice and Milan. At 20.00 the management will pass to Giacomo Prioreschi. At 8.45 pm the kick-off for Rome-Naples and, from 9.00 pm, the commentary of the Formula 1 Grand Prix in the United States (Manuel Codignoni). At the end, until the closing at 11.30 pm, Sebino Nela and Filippo Grassia answer the messages and phone calls of the listeners. The new life of Gennaro, known as Jenny the uncle, is the protagonist of the episode of “In His Image”, a program of religious study produced by Rai Cultura and hosted by Lorena Bianchetti, broadcast tomorrow at 4pm on Rai 1. Contraband, theft, drug dealing: a long sequence of crimes led Gennaro, for 20 years, to enter and leave prison. Jenny changes her life when he transforms his workshop, Area 51, where he works as a mechanic, into a social center that assists hundreds of disadvantaged and poor families of Rozzano in the Milanese province. Gennaro welcomes dozens of stragglers offering them the possibility of social reintegration, involves volunteers, provides legal assistance, tries to enhance the talents and passions of the young people of the neighborhood. Repentant of his past life, he walks on foot, with a cross weighing 40 kilos, the road that leads from Milan to Rome where he meets Pope Francis who encourages him to go on. His life is an example of the fact that you can always start over. To follow “The reasons for Hope” with Sister Veronica Ghirardelli, Franciscan Alcantarina. Through his travel diary, in Italian Franciscan cities, he accompanies on a journey that also becomes an interior journey. The episode takes place in Assisi, at the Bosco di San Francesco, here Sister Veronica meets some young people to reflect on prayer starting from their personal experience. Alessandra Cochetta, FAI events manager, guide to the discovery of the Bosco di San Francesco, which houses an ancient chapel and a land art work by Michelangelo Pistoletto. In conclusion, Sister Veronica goes to the Basilica of San Francesco, to pray at the tomb of the Saint, with her fra Marco Moroni, the guardian of the Sacred Convent. dissent to bring down theocracy and autocracy? This is the question at the heart of the third episode of “Frontiere”, a program broadcast tomorrow at 4.30 pm on Rai 3 and hosted by Franco Di Mare. Boris Bondarev will be the guest of the former Russian diplomat at the UN who lives in Switzerland. In the studio Arduino Paniccia, professor of strategic studies at the University of Trieste and Pegah Tashakkori, Iranian activist. Speakers will also include Farian Sabahi, Iranian journalist, Anna Zafesova from La Stampa and the political scientist and essayist Moisés Naím.

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