Rai world / Events and news

Unabomber: a name with two faces, one American and the other Italian, whose actions occupied the news and newspapers around the world between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 2000s. dedicated the documentary “Unabomber”, a co-production of Rai Documentari and Verve Media Company, written by Luciano Palmerino and Giuseppe Rinaldi and Valentina Magrin and directed by Alessandro Galluzzi, broadcast in prime time on Rai 2, tomorrow at 21.20. The American Unabomber was called Theodore Kaczynski and was sending parcel bombs in the name of a personal war against technology. The Italian Unabomber, which has never been discovered, did not claim the attacks, it acted with mysterious motives hitting the elderly, women and even children, perhaps driven by a mechanism of emulation of the American counterpart. The documentary starts from him, thanks to the testimonies of the journalist and writer Gianni Riotta, David Wright, one of the survivors and David Kaczynski, Theodore’s brother. On February 27, 2000, Suzanne Viguier disappears without a trace in France. The first suspect of her is her husband, Jacques, a law professor who will be accused of the murder (even without a body) of his wife and will face 10 years of trial, at the end of which he will be acquitted, but the prosecutor will appeal . The film “An intimate conviction” by Antoine Raimbault kicks off from this real event, broadcast tomorrow at 10.20pm and premiered on Rai3. After witnessing Jacques Viguier’s trial, Nora, a mother and worker, decides to support his case when the sentence is appealed. The woman, who firmly believes in Viguier’s innocence, manages to convince the lawyer Dupont-Moretti, a prince of the Forum, to assume his defense. The lawyer agrees as long as she is the one to unwind the countless hours of interception of his main accuser, his wife’s lover. Thus the search for truth for Nora turns into an obsession capable of completely upsetting her life. The great tenor Juan Diego Flórez is the protagonist of the new production of “Le Comte Ory” by Gioachino Rossini which inaugurated the 43rd edition of Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro last August, and which Rai Cultura offers on TV tomorrow at 9.15 pm on Rai 5. Diego Matheuz is engaged on the podium of the Rai National Symphony Orchestra. Direction, sets and costumes are by Hugo De Ana, with lighting by Valerio Alfieri. In the cast, alongside Flórez, are Julie Fuchs, Nahuel Di Pierro, Maria Kataeva, Andrzej Filonczyk, Monica Bacelli and Anna-Doris Capitelli. The choir is that of the Ventidio Basso Theater. The television direction is curated by Claudia De Toma. Le Comte Ory was first performed in Paris at the Théâtre de l’Académie Royale de Musique on 20 August 1828. The libretto is by Eugène Scribe and Charles-Gaspard Delestre-Poirson. A good half of the music in the opera comes from the Journey to Reims, the ‘playful drama’ that Rossini had composed as a contribution from the Théâtre Italien in Paris, of which the composer was ‘directeur de la musique et de la scène’, for the celebrations for the coronation of Charles X as King of France in the cathedral of Reims in 1825. The plot of the Comte Ory refers to a popular Picardy ballad, collected and published with the music that traditionally accompanied it by Pierre-Antoine de la Place in 1785. The librettists Scribe and Delestre-Poirson built around it a vaudeville staged at the Parisian Théâtre du Vaudeville in December 1816. More than ten years later, the two authors returned to their text to provide Rossini with the libretto for what became one of his latest masterpieces. On Rai1 ‘Porta a Porta’ – On Rai Storia ‘Amsterdam, London, New York. Three cities to conquer the world Work begins in Parliament: in the episode broadcast tomorrow at 11.30 pm on Rai 1, at “Porta a Porta”, conducted by Bruno Vespa, Francesco Lollobrigida of Fratelli d’Italia, Paola De Micheli will compete of the Democratic Party, Giorgio Mulè of Forza Italia, Massimiliano Romeo of the Lega, Michele Gubitosa of the Movimento 5 Stelle and Maria Elena Boschi of Action-Italia Viva. From 1600 to today, Amsterdam, London and New York have contributed to the birth and development of “city-world”, a new urban concept whose ambition is played out on a global scale and which has given life to a radically new form of city landscape, still recognizable today. The series “Amsterdam, London, New York. Three cities to conquer the world “, broadcast tomorrow at 10.10 pm on Rai Storia, tells about 400 years of ruthless competition for supremacy over global trade, marked by the growing urbanization and the rise of architecture, going to the discovery of great minds and spirit that helped shape each of these cities into what they are today. The first episode is dedicated to Amsterdam. This is the starting point for the financial, commercial and urban planning revolution that will mark the development of the great powers in the following centuries. “That branch of Lake Como, which turns towards noon” is not just a happy literary intuition by Alessandro Manzoni. It is also the first stop on a journey to an area of ​​Italy populated by stories and legends, by silent pools of water and peaks sculpted by the wind. It is proposed by the series “Along the river and on the water” broadcast tomorrow at 20.20 on Rai 5. The series goes to the discovery of an unusual landscape populated by those who have learned to live with water and who have been able to draw from water inspiration for his own life.On Rai Movie ‘Balla con il sole – Tribute to Robert Redford’ – On Rai3 Italy-Brazil by Volley Robert Redford called Sundance his ranch and a festival that has established itself as one of the central appointments for cinema independent. For the name Redford he drew inspiration from the Sundance Kid, the character played in the very successful “Butch Cassidy”. On Rai Movie tomorrow, double show in the first and second evening with the film cycle “Balla con il sole – Homage to Robert Redford”, consisting of six appointments to compose a portrait of the Hollywood star. It starts with “The Rule of Silence” which sees Redford in the role of director and actor alongside Shia LaBeouf, Julie Christie, Sam Elliott, Brendan Gleeson. A political thriller that tells the story of Jim Grant (Redford), a civil rights lawyer and single father from the suburbs of Albany (NY) who in the past was part of a subversive group of the US radical left that in the 1960s, in strong opposition to the war in Vietnam, he carried out demonstration attacks without victims. Grant’s life is turned upside down when a young reporter reveals that he is an escaped pacifist extremist wanted for murder. In order not to be investigated, the man decides to flee in search of the only person able to exonerate him. It then continues in the late evening with “Truth – the price of truth” by director James Vanderbilt. In September 2004, Mary Mapes (Cate Blanchett), producer of the American television network CBS, and Dan Rather (Robert Redford), historical host of the news broadcast “60 Minutes”, are put to the test after airing an investigative report that risks putting the president of the United States in a bad light. George W. Bush, ahead of the votes for his re-election. Some sources would in fact attest that, thanks to some connections of the family, the president would have received favoritism to avoid being drafted in Vietnam between 1968 and 1974. To carry out his investigation, Mary uses a team of champions which includes the Colonel Roger Charles (Dennis Quaid), CBS veteran Lucy Scott (Elisabeth Moss) and freelance Mike Smith (Topher Grace), however, the scoop will lead her to unleash a real media storm and suffer violent criticism of her work. -bis against China in the quarter-finals, there is still a replay of a match already played in the qualifying round for Davide Mazzanti’s team. Unlike the first phase, however, when the defeat against the verdeoro, for Egonu and her teammates, was painless after all, this time Italy-Brazil is worth the final of the world championship. The Brazilians of Zè Roberto, coach for twenty years, Olympic silver last year in Tokyo, beat Japan in comeback, going up from 0-2 thanks above all to the 25 points of the star Gabi. Italy-Brazil will be broadcast live, tomorrow from 8 pm, on Rai 3, with commentary by Marco Fantasia and Giulia Pisani and interviews by Simona Rolandi. In 1714, with the end of the war of the Spanish succession, thousands of British sailors met unemployed. Their licenses, the famous “letters of travel” which authorized them, by royal will, to be privateers, no longer have any value. Many of them then choose to continue their actions anyway, even against the British merchant fleet itself. Thus was born the epic of the pirates of the Caribbean, told by Professor Alessandro Barbero in the new first-run series “The golden age of the pirates of the Caribbean”, broadcast from tomorrow at 21.10 on Rai Storia, for the “aCdC” cycle. .

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