Venice 79, Harry Styles: “Being an actor is fun, maybe I’ll continue”

“To continue acting? Actually, I still don’t know. I feel very lucky, because I do a job that I like, but I try not to look too far ahead, I live almost day by day”. Pop star Harry Styles said this during the press conference at the Venice Film Festival to present Olivia Wilde’s Out-of-Competition film “Don’t Worry Darling”, where the director directs her famous boyfriend. “I like both singing and acting, both professions are beautiful and fun. I like being present in these two worlds – added the British singer-songwriter former frontman of the band One Direction – and I’m sure there will be new opportunities in cinema too. But now frankly I don’t know what will happen “.” I am extremely grateful – he added – to all those who have helped me and to all those who support me with their affection. And I hope with my work to be able to repay the trust and the affection that I receive “. A journalist pointed out to the British singer-songwriter that among the hundreds of fans in delirium at the Lido there is also a banner in which a girl wrote:” You are my only reason for living “. “If you see that girl, say hello for me,” he said almost moved. “I want to say my thanks to all those who have supported me since the beginning of my career – explained Styles – and who put me at ease by creating for me a place where I can express myself at best. my work that space was created for me to all my fans “.