Daniele Bossari: “I had a tumor in my throat, I had months of chemo”

He did “months of chemo and radiotherapy to treat a tumor in his throat.” Daniele Bossari tells with a long post on Instagram the disease he has had to fight against in recent months. “The first Monday of September is the day when many start their business again. But for me, the return to the simple daily routine, today takes on a meaning of rebirth – we read – To explain what happened to me, I use the twelfth arcane of tarot: ‘the hanged one’, because it perfectly represents the condition I found myself in. It appeared to me in a dream on a spring night, while I was trying to make sense of the physical suffering I was experiencing during the months of chemo and radiotherapy, to treat throat cancer “. “I am alive and I can tell you about it – he writes again – In the impossibility of escaping the pain, I had to accept it. Hanging by the thread of fate, but with total faith in medical science, I went through the storm. While the doctors treated my body , I tried to heal my soul by putting into practice those teachings dictated by all the books I have read, the spiritual texts, the meditations. The inner search had to find meaning in what was happening to me “. “‘The hanged one’ is he who empties himself to become a recipient of luminous forces. This disease represented for me a very powerful initiatory form, forcing me to disintegrate my ego, crumbling all certainty, allowing me to revise the scale of values: what they are the real priorities? The first is love “, reads the post again.” The love I received from my family and from the people I care about. The help, the presence, the sacrifice of those who have been close to me – underlines the winner of the second edition of Big Brother Vip – And then the love of life itself. Faced with the fear of death, everything becomes more vivid. Sometimes you have to go through pain to understand happiness. Now I know it well. “.” I want to thank the doctors and staff of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, my family and friends who have been patiently close to me all these months, giving me the strength to face this battle – he concludes – I will be able to tell you everything, because I think ch and sharing the story gives comfort to those who are going through delicate moments similar to mine, and at the same time helps me to relieve myself, leaving room for a new life. Thanks to all of you for your love. “