Alberto Bartolo Varsalona wins the Campiello Giovani

Alberto Bartolo Varsalona is the winner of the 27th edition of Campiello Giovani, the competition reserved for young people between 15 and 22 years old organized by the Il Campiello Foundation – Confindustria Veneto. Varsalona, ​​21 years old from Palermo, won the prize with the short story “La Spartenza” chosen by the Literary Jury, chaired by Walter Veltroni, among the five short stories that reached the final. The winner was proclaimed by Enrico Carraro, president of the Il Campiello Foundation and of Confindustria Veneto, and by Marco Dalla Bernardina, president of the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Veneto. This is the motivation of the Jury: “The story of Alberto Bartolo Varsalona La Spartenza is characterized from a notable linguistic tension which, albeit with some turgidity exhibited, is linked to a noble regional and national literary tradition. Writing plays between Italian, dialect and courtly language, giving voice to a community of Sicilian fishermen. At once cultured and popular , the text overturns the usual perspective of Mediterranean migration “. The other finalists of this edition of Campiello Giovani were: Salvatore Lamberti, 21 years old from Scisciano (Na), with the short story” Cenere fast “; Luca Maggio Zanon, 22 years old from Cervignano del Friuli (Ud), with the story “The silence of the sun-scorched lands”; Niccolò Alessandro Tavian, 19 years old from Selvazzano Dentro (Pd) with the story “The disappeared canvas”; Anastassija Sofia Tortorici, 21 years old from Ribera (Ag) with the story “Slabbrare”. The winner was announced this morning, Saturday 3 September, during the press conference that took place at the Correr Museum in Venice and will be awarded this evening during the final evening of the 60th edition of the Campiello Prize at the Gran Teatro La Fenice by Cristina Balbo, regional director of Veneto Ovest and Trentino Alto Adige of Intesa Sanpaolo, who is the exclusive partner of the Campiello Giovani Prize. The winner of the Campiello Giovani, wins a study trip in a European country and, thanks to the collaboration with the Miur, he is included in the jury of the Italian Olympics, while the winner of the Olympics enters the extended jury of the Campiello Giovani. During the press conference, Riccardo Di Stefano, national president of the Young Entrepreneurs, also awarded the special mention of the Confindustria Youth Group for the best story that dealt with the theme of business culture. The mention was attributed to the very young Marcello Pagliantini, 17, from Pianezze (Vi), for the story “You, a thin blade of grass”. Also during the press conference, Francesca Nieddu, Veneto Est and Friuli Venezia Giulia regional director of Intesa Sanpaolo, presented the special recognition for social and environmental sustainability, assigned by the Technical Committee of Campiello Giovani, to the story “Mamma neve” by Caterina Borini, 22 years old, a young student from Cerea (VR). A theme, that of social and environmental sustainability, which is fully part of the 2022-2025 Business Plan and which underlines the Bank’s commitment to culture and art as significant components of the Group’s ESG sustainability program. Finally, “Il Campiello dei Campielli” was announced, a special award that will be symbolically awarded this evening at the Fenice. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Prize, in fact, the Jury of Literature has decided to indicate a work, among those awarded over the years, which tells and represents the history of the Campiello Prize. Primo Levi’s “La Tregua” was chosen – the winner of the first edition of the Campiello Prize – for the important civil testimony and for the extraordinary literary quality of his texts, as explained by Veltroni. The Campiello Giovani avails itself of the collaboration of the Regional School Office for Veneto and the network of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria, as well as benefiting from the constructive interest of many school principals and teachers.The sixtieth edition of the Campiello Prize is realized thanks to the support of Intesa Sanpaolo, Eni, Umana, Pirelli, Alperia, Coca-Cola HBC Italia, Pellegrini, Sidi group, Studio DCA, Frecciarossa, Seingim and with the collaboration of the Consortium for the Protection of Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG, Grafiche Antiga, Salviati, Printmateria, Feinar, Pro-Gest, My Style Bags, Community, Rai Cultura, Rai 5, Rai Radio 1, CPM Music Institute by Franco Mussida, Carlo Mazzacurati School of Cinema, Teatro Stabile Veneto, Veneto Institute of Literature and Arts Sciences, Magis and MUVE – Venice Civic Museums Foundation. The Prize benefits from the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Veneto Region. Thanks also to the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Rovigo and Unioncamere del Veneto.