Robots and superheroes, comics staged with dance and balloon!

Robots and modern superheroes, technological and digitized universes. On stage the imagery of cartoons with ‘Balloon! (comics), the latest creation signed for the Astra Roma Ballet by two young creators, Fausto Paparozzi and Giada Primiano also performers alongside Federica Bisceglia, Giorgia Montepaone, Alessandro Scavello and Alex Provinciali. After the debut in Montalto di Castro and the replicas at the Dance Festival – city of Rapallo and at the VIII Festival of Labro, the tour of the historic company founded and directed by Diana Ferrara, former étoile of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, will continue on 4 September in Cerveteri (Rome) as part of Paola Sorressa’s Rilievi in ​​Danza Festival, “‘Balloon’ reconfirms the vocation and attention of the company towards young dance authors – explains Diana Ferrara to Adnkronos – who in particular in this show, divided into two parts, ‘A new world’ and ‘Time score’, he questions the environment and digital transition, the impact that these issues have had on man, especially on an emotional level, on birth of new human dynamics, even more traditional, based on love and family. The two choreographers worked independently following the same fil rouge, that of robotics and comic imagery – he added – to then combine their creations through towards the universal language of dance to the point of composing a skilful dramaturgy with a cinematic scent “. “The result is that of a contemporary fairytale – continued Diana Ferrara – a sort of Pinocchio 2.0, in which the protagonists dance scrolling through the voices of Matteo Vitelli and Irene Battaglia, images, movements and sequences”. The original music is by Marco Schiavoni, a sound carpet that, in the words of the authors, “lends itself to the onomatopoeic grammar of comics”, but also to the frenetic and minimalist dance of the characters. “In this way the cold and detached archetype of the robot is overturned and we go in search of humanity – explained the director of the Astra Roma Ballet – of feeling and empathy, delving into the fragility of a hyper-digitized generation”. After Cerveteri ‘Balloon! (comics) will then fly to Indonesia for an international tour that will take place from 18 to 30 September and will stop in Jakarta, Yogyacarta and Bali.